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New blood thinner... unfortunately that means I have to give myself stots twice a day. 😬
Or in other words, the hdd in my lappy has died.☹️
Right now I've got an older lappy that I could possibly put a SSD into. I changed the hdd in it once and had a bootleg copy of windoz on that. I do have a ssd that has mint (linux) on it. Or there's the possibility of buying a new computer. Lenovo has one that looks pretty good to me.
Ida Carè to be exact. Today my boss either held me accountable for things beyond my control, or accused me of lying.
Since he has decided to fire me, he will fire me without paying attention to my contention that it is factors beyond my control that are causing me to miss my quotas.
Therefore even though I would rather leave Ida at home, she's following me to work.
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