The ClitoridesAwards are now in the voting phase. Read and vote for your favorites
We're having an April's fools writing contest. Few more days until submissions close.

Anne N. Mouse: Blog


Snowed in!

Posted at

Where I live, since Feb 1 I've had 3' of snow. Needless to say, with 600' of driveway, I'm concerned that if things don't clear up soon I'm going to be in serious trouble!

Pray for LA...

Posted at

The fires in CA are a long way away from me.... Thankfully.

I don't know where to recommend you give help if you want to. I've used services from the international red cross. I don't know if they have a specific campaign for SoCal... but if you're like me and strapped for resources, prayer is better than nothing.

Here's hoping you all had a good Christmas

Posted at

As the title says, I hope you all had a good and safe Christmas.

Some of the reason that I've not gotten much written is that when the HDD in my old lappy died it took a certain amount of my writing with it. I do have a link to my google drive which leads to my current major project, which happens to be the only thing that I had on a thumb drive, or at least on a thumb drive which I can currently find... a disorganized house doesn't help in situations like this. Nor did saving when I hadn't copied all the files from my documents folder to the newest thumb drive I had acquired.


Posted at

This is a shout out to all people who have written in the Swarm Cycle Universe. It seems that the Swarm Cycle Universe writers mailing list is down. My suggestion may be to go to a discord group if we can't organize a gmail list. I'm pretty much stone-age in my use of tech, though I do have a discord account if I can remember enough information to log on to it!Anyway, contact me with suggestions, or someone who is much better technically can contact Thinker. (thinking horndog) through his mail contact on this site.

A short message

Posted at

This is a short update on my writing... I'm not writing much. Or more to the point I'm not finishing much. I started something for Halloween but didn't finish it.
I've got a story that has about 60,000 words but no end in sight. No idea of how to wrap the story...
Anyway, the doctor took about a pint of blood and so far nothing has been found. In this case, no news seems to genuinely be good news.



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