Each year the boys of Alpha Tau Zeta participate in Sharking Day- an annual day of celebration which involves sneaking up on the nubile young ladies on campus and yanking off some or all of their clothing and videotaping it. Kerry Zimmerman and her sexy sorority sisters team up to match wits with the frat boys before they find themselves sharked and their naked bodies are displayed on the internet for the world to see.
Wednesday and Enid are caught sneaking off Nevermore campus at night and have to be reprimanded. Fortunately, someone is available to teach these naughty girls a Thing or two about corporal punishment!
Determined to keep her son from masturbating, Wes' mother resorts to cutting his cock. When Wes' sexy sister and her best friend tease him with their sexy bodies, Wes' only option is to have sex with a watermelon. / (Reviews)