In Mom's opinion, it was getting way past time for me to settle down with Miss Right. She wanted more grandchildren before she got very much older. Normal dating wasn't getting me anywhere nearer meeting my soulmate, and I sure wasn't going to find her on a free hook-up site. I finally decided to invest in an entry on an internet dating site for 'introducing professional people'. Here's what happened. It was life-changing, but not exactly how I expected it.... Warning - this is a slow one.
I thought I'd found my perfect girl in Nell. I'd been her boyfriend for almost six months, and I was home and telling my Mom all about her. Then it suddenly struck me that there was something just not quite right with our relationship. I couldn't exactly put my finger on it, so I snooped on her the next time she cancelled on us meeting up, and I found out that she was still seeing an older married guy on the side. Damn, how I wished I hadn't gotten curious! / (Reviews)
After five years together, three of them married, my wife was caught straying. Not very far. To redress the balance, I gave myself a free pass. Not very far. We've found that two wrongs can make a right. Well, it seems to be working out just fine for us.
Thanksgiving is a time for families to get together, but it can also be a time of arguments and tension. Trapped in a sham marriage, Jake had decided that he had nothing to be thankful about, and it was time for him to leave.
He helped my wife steal my daughter and all my assets while I was overseas serving my country. I had absolutely no idea what had happened until I got back to what had been my home, and now wasn't. I very soon learned that there wasn't a whole lot I could do about it. Getting mad at him would only put me in his jail. Then I made a chance discovery, and worked out a way for me to get even. I took HIS daughter. Her ransom would pay for some smart lawyers. Didn't quite go as planned. / (Reviews)
The working environment at the office had quickly turned nasty under the new corporate owners, but recently it had become just plain toxic. I talked to my wife and some friends, and we decided to jump ship before the crash, but first provide ourselves with parachutes. Turned out to be the best thing we could have done.
A short and dirty BTB story with a twist. Revenge for a betrayal. His wife had cheated on him, and his daughter had assisted her. Then he saw an opportunity.
My wife told me she took on another night school course, but I discovered we weren't being charged for it. I found out that was because she wasn't attending. Her parents were even more upset with her behavior than I was. They took her cheating ass in hand. Did they ever. They taught me a thing or two about marriage as well. A tale of straying, learning and redemption.
The nurse asked me for the baby's names so she could complete the birth certificate. I could only tell her not to put me down as the father. I hated to hurt my in-laws on what should have been a day of celebration, but I couldn't condone my wife's breaking of our marriage vows. (This started out as a flash story, but grew legs.)