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Lapi: Stories


Displaying stories 11 through 20 of 60

11 Bucket List

A story in the Realms of Darkness and Destruction Universe
We all have one. The things we want and need to do in life. Sure some are more important than others; some we put-off or delay doing and some never get done. We either get other priorities, forget about them or just plain run out of time; but that's life. the thing we all, male and female have in common is we all know something like that needs to be done.
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Sex Contents: No Sex | Genre: Fiction
Tags: Ma/Fa, Fiction, Slow
Downloads: 869 | Votes: * | Score: *
Size: 22KB | 4,326 words | Posted: Incomplete and Inactive (Last Activity: )

12 Charlene and Samantha

A Story in the Sam Universe
Even at 9 the twins were unique. I think I fell in love with them then. As they grew older the brotherly love changed into something deeper, more like we were meant to be together forever. I remember it was on their 16th birthday something changed all of our lives. It was not supposed to be that way, but it was. What was to be a celebration offered a more fulfilling life than any of us could have imagined. Come join our little adventure group! It helps if you are a cute female model.
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Sex Contents: Some Sex | Genre: Fiction
Tags: Ma/Fa, Ma/ft, ft/ft, Mult, Consensual, Magic, Fiction, Genie, Polygamy/Polyamory, First, Safe Sex, Oral Sex, Petting, Slow
Downloads: 13411 | Votes: 208 | Score: 6.84
Size: 53KB | 10,565 words | Posted: Incomplete and Inactive (Last Activity: )

13 A Day in Another Time and Place

A Story in the Fate Universe
Love may take many forms and meanings. In our story it is one-sided and takes the toll of many lives and loves. Duty, Honour and responsibility also require a high cost, as we find out. 100-200 years ago one's options in life were not as varied as we have today, for a woman, leading troops in the military was unheard of, even if she was the daughter of the Tsar.
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Sex Contents: Some Sex | Genre: Action/Adventure
Tags: Ma/Fa, Consensual, Fiction, Tear Jerker, Slow, Violent, Military
Downloads: 1942 | Votes: 43 | Score: 7.05
Size: 16KB | 3,116 words | Posted: Incomplete and Inactive (Last Activity: )

14 Diamonds!

War is Hell! I think after so many of them we found that out. When the participants are someone you love, family even, then the 'gloves' come off and the only important thing is to 'kill' the bastards before they kill you. Family, to us that had a whole new meaning. It inspired what many would think of as 'extreme' measures. Screw it, they started it, now we were going to finish it; our way.
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Sex Contents: Minimal Sex | Genre: Fiction
Tags: Ma/Fa, Consensual, Fiction, Torture, Slow, Caution, Violent, War
Downloads: 6008 | Votes: 235 | Score: 6.49
Size: 19KB | 3,700 words | Posted: Concluded:

15 Finders

A Story in the Fate Universe
Work, after college, was not at all what Jason expected. Then again what he went into after was much different than what one would expect. His search for Treasures brought him some rewards he never expected either. One has to wonder if trying to do the right thing could have its own rewards.
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Sex Contents: Some Sex | Genre: Fiction
Tags: Ma/Fa, Ma/ft, ft/ft, Fa/ft, Consensual, Fiction, First, Safe Sex, Slow, Military
Downloads: 5212 | Votes: 168 | Score: 6.92
Size: 33KB | 6,386 words | Posted: Incomplete and Inactive (Last Activity: )

16 A Fine Life

A Story in the Sam Universe
What would you do? Sam had to ask himself that same question several times, only in his case the answer reached was not theoretical. No matter how he would phrase things or try to rationalize the situation, the answer he reached was always the same. He had to 'Do the right thing'. It was not that he could be snowed by a 'sad' tale or blinded by a pretty face, but he was at a point in his life that the phrase, 'Pay it forward' meant something to him.
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Sex Contents: No Sex | Genre: Fiction
Tags: Ma/Fa, Ma/ft, Fiction, Politics, Slow
Downloads: 6287 | Votes: 126 | Score: 7.11
Size: 60KB | 12,151 words | Posted: Incomplete and Inactive (Last Activity: )

17 Foxy

Coming back to civilization, at least that's what I thought I was coming back to; but nope, four years away and I now considered the jungle in South America the civilization how LA was now. Getting off the plane at LAX was step one, by 30 minutes of step 2. and I already decided to try my luck somewhere else. What to do?
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Sex Contents: No Sex | Genre: Fiction
Tags: Ma/ft, Teenagers, Fiction
Downloads: 1225 | Votes: 48 | Score: 6.18
Size: 20KB | 4,120 words | Posted: Incomplete and Inactive

18 Getting to Know You

Like all good things, none of them last forever. I guess that can apply to the bad also; or is bad a relative term. A lot bad, might be replaced with just a wee-bit bad or maybe, a whole lot worse than before.
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Sex Contents: No Sex | Genre: Fiction
Tags: Ma/ft, Fiction
Downloads: 387 | Votes: * | Score: *
Size: 15KB | 2,990 words | Posted: Incomplete and Inactive

19 Good Things Do Not Last

A Story in the Fate Universe
When you do not have it or you need it almost anything will be done for money. Not everyone would agree with that though. Learning that is a difficult lesson and often comes at a high price. A famous line from Hollywood is 'Show me the money'. Like in the picture real life often reaches the same conclusion as to what that goal is really worth. Happiness does not always equate to wealth and success. Well, sometimes it does. Let's see what happens in this fictional story!
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Sex Contents: Minimal Sex | Genre: Fiction
Tags: Ma/Fa, Consensual, Fiction, Crime, Polygamy/Polyamory, First, Safe Sex, Pregnancy, Slow, Caution, Violent, Military, War, Politics
Downloads: 1699 | Votes: 24 | Score: 6.31
Size: 35KB | 6,715 words | Posted: Incomplete and Inactive

20 Home Sweet Home

We take Care of Our Own! It is a bit more than just a saying, it is more like belonging to a club, except in this case money alone does not buy you a seat. You need to understand a bit about how things work here. Virginia is more than a State to most of us, it is a way of life, if not life itself. Our Granddaddy's bleed and died for the cause and as once was said, the South would rise again. It, after all was our home and would be our children's home for a long time to come.
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Sex Contents: No Sex | Genre: Fiction
Tags: Ma/Fa, Fiction, Slow
Downloads: 2271 | Votes: 108 | Score: 7.39
Size: 27KB | 5,414 words | Posted: Incomplete and Inactive (Last Activity: )
* Not enough votes to show score yet
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