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Thanks again. This war will see Regin(Regan), finally come into his own and actually do somethings right.
I want to thank everyone for reading War Maidens. I added a short chapter 13 after the decision to let the spirit 'Regin', formerly Regan have some closure before 'Ragnarok'.
Hnoss and Gersemi, according to pictures on the internet look nothing like Freya; must take after the father.
Minor correction for chs 1-11 have been sent for posting, also a new ch 12 has been added
My pens have quite a few. I have some reasons but since I deleted quite a few already I will finish up some on 5 or so pens. Criterion will be those downloaded 30,000 or more times or have a score in the 7's or more.
Thank you for putting up with them. In a few cases where there are a large number of stories in your library, I will add a final to those also.
Gratz to Oyster 50, I thought he was older.
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