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Lapi: Blog


Updates, Yeah late

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Sorry. I know the updates are way late. I plan to do them by the number of downloads, not necessarily by the scores. On a couple, the girls are beating me over on my head, the big one and it hurts. I'll try real hard not to screw up the storylines any more, maybe even redo some again.

Thank you for your kind patience. Lapi was my first Pen here and I will try harder on these stories.

Ch 2 of Mayhem The Early Years

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Sorry for the delay. I still could use a girl or lady to add things about the Michelle and Antiqua perspective.

I also wanted to re-read the Mayhem series again; Colt45 has done a marvelous job with it.

I had some health issues come up which added to the delay.

Thanks to my editors

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Just wanted to thank my editors, Sagacious, Bachgen and Tenderloin. Baby It's Cold Outside continues on from several storylines in this Universe.

Visages I and The Mission

Posted at Updated:

These two stories will go on, it has taken a while to set the stage.

A new story called 'The Mission Continues' will join those in the Ruby Red Universe. The difference, this new story deals with the formation on a 'private' world organization formed to save humanity. There is inter-action now between 'Life can Get Better' and 'Baby It's Cold Outside'; another maybe, as money and power are a necessary requirement.

Li Wu has finally been able to get a few people serious about space. The next step will be much more difficult, for all must recognize the need for a mass exodus, this planet is doomed.

I had planned on adding the characters from 'They Try Harder' later on, but it is such an integral part of the story forming the order, I thought a tease might be helpful.

Baby It's Cold Outside

Posted at Updated:

The story is posted. It is next after No Strings and now ties with Life Can Get Better by Angus. They will all be in the Ruby Red Universe and both will be long stories.

V 1.1 cleans up a bit of the story. I'll post Ch 2 this weekend.

Thanks for reading.



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