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Lapi: Blog


Gratz John

Posted at

I'm still not jealous. Well, maybe just a tad bit. Great work on reaching the 3 million mark No. 7

Just a POV

Posted at Updated:

Several Blog posts have been less than happy with the SOL votes versus score issue. I know the situation appeals to me somewhat like a visit to Emergency. Lazeez and the SOL staff though run one of the best, in my opinion, on-line story centre's around. Is it perfect, don't think so but he has never refused to answer any questions or ignore any request. Posts are timely and the site had been improved over the years.

I imagine the outrageous 'charges' everyone pays him each month are so great we all think 'our' way is the only way things should be done.

BTW, I plan on finishing most all of my Lapi stories this year or so. I have a few new and there are 3 or 4 older ones that are in the works, one or 2 will continue into 2016 if I live that long, I need to though; I have a trust setting up that needs 5 years to vest..

I do not always like or agree with Lazeez's scores but I admire his numerous efforts and know the trials and tribulations he and the staff have to endure to keep this running so well.

Thanks for all your hard work SOL.

In 30 Days

Posted at

Ch 14 will get posted in the next hour or so, and ch 15 on Sunday, USA time.

I will work on an older story or a new one for a bit using Lapi, then finish something on another Pen.

Thank you for reading.

In 30 Days -Disclaimer

Posted at Updated:

As I continue on with our story, I found the invariable stereotype I was creating. East versus West. 'Infidel' versus Moslem or Arab.

It is as bad as blaming all Christians or Catholics for the Crusades or all Germans for WW II.

It is an old hate. Moslems hate the Jews, Jews hate the Christians, Christians hate the Moslems , and so on and so on. It did not happen only since 9/11 or only in the Middle East.

Down below the Mason-Dixon, that 'War of Northern Aggression' is still a topical item. People refer to their Great, Great Grandfathers as fallen heroes.

Bear with me, I think all religions are just to make a few people rich. They have nothing to do with who created what or if the egg or the chicken came first.

In 30 Days Ch 9 -15

Posted at

Chapter 9 postulated a few slight concerns with our 'thing'. FYI, everything has a solution, just that few are going to be happy with exactly how we fix everything. Hey, this just gets us to the 'Park' we still have a 'Ballgame' to play. Winner takes all.



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