This story takes place near a great Midwest city. Like all Great cities in the Midwest, the area had undergone tremendous change in the past 200 years. Now it was changing again, some say for the better, some think for the worse though. Whatever, there were a few spots scattered 50 - 100 miles away that never seemed to change very much over the last 200 years.
Some could not believe it. Some were for it, some against. The women were usually those against it except for Domi and Jen. Poor Sam never had a clue, just did what he had to do. Better that way I think. No descriptions of sex other than 'they went to bed together'.
Somethings are unplanned, yet they happen. They have a saying: 'You take the good with the bad'. Those words do not describe meeting Samantha, Ashley and Elizabeth though. Expensive to keep, yeah, bad; not on your life.
Sometimes, in the old world there are worse situations than being the second son, like being a 'Bastard' son. Hubert does what we all hope to do, that is: If life gives you lemons, you make lemonade with them.
This story is about one certain day when I met her. It could also apply to any day ending in a 'Y'.(Not the gym kind of 'Y') You set out to do one thing; to start-over maybe but then find out a bunch of things about yourself you never knew.
I'm glad Grand father made it big, now I don't have to. I think it was easier for the family back then. By easier, I meant all the rules, restrictions, taxes, codes, permits, and hundreds of other cost-eating expenses were not in-place then. Now, if you try to do something the majority of your expenses are for legal fees, taxes, bribes and union wages to drink coffee. How many times have you driven by work (Oxymoron) crews where two men act like they are digging and 12 men stand by to watch or h