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A Universe from the Mind of SW MO Hermit
The adventures, heartaches and loves of Jim and vicky's, George and Ann's. Also adventures and loves of some of their friends, acquaintenances and children in and around Steelville. Includes stories on Ann's cheating and divorce from Jim. Follows Jim and Ann as they find new loves. Has adventures of the persons that they know and meet in their small hometown.
A husband takes a trip to help his daughter in law. His wife had been acting strange for some time. Her actions before the trip and her phone conversations with him while he was gone made him suspicious. What he discovered and the results.
Jeffery finds out his wife was a money hungry cheating bitch who would do anything to get ahead. He caught her cheating on him and took the appropriate action with the assistance of his family. Afterward he meets, dates and marries the right woman. / (Reviews)
Charlie Fielding becomes a widower when his army officer wife crashes her helecopter in Afghanistan. After the funeral and selling their home in Washington state he decides to move back to his place of birth. On his drive home he meets another woman, has many adventures and falls in love. Later they marry.
Follow the life of a young boy from age 6 when he meets his future wife. He dates her, breaks up with her, later marries her then divorces when he finds her cheating on him. Enjoy his later life with him after he meets and marries his true soul mate and his ex reaps the fruits of her betrayal.
Ronnies first marriage dies with a death of disinterest. He divorces and rebuilds his life with the help of a divorced woman living near him. Follow him as he finds new love, remarries and raises a second family in love.
A continuation of Charlie's life with Amanda. Follow them from the wedding reception through some trials and tribulations as they live, love and raise their family.
Young fiancee becomes pregnant by another man. They split as a couple but remain close. Man marries another, then later in life allows his ex to move in with them.