A universe featuring stories by your favorite SOL Authors as they clash in head-to-head competition for fame and fortune...Sorta. Each contest can be identified by the story title and details on Showdown rules and specific matches can be found in the Showdown Manager blog. If you'd like to participate in future events as a judge, moderator, and/or author, please stop by the SOL Discussion Group or simply email one of the author's featured here for more information. We love email.
My submission for the SOL Showdown #1 against Punky Girl...I won't tell you what it's about, only that it (barely) won the contest. Take a look and see if you agree with the judges :) Caution: Contains non-sexual violence.
Jillian is on the verge of finishing her 8th grade year, her last in Middle School. Having always accepted that she is a social outcast who cannot aspire to be more, she is surprised when she finds out she has a shot at instant popularity upon entering High School. But is the price too high? And should she even care?
This is not a happy story. It is about a day that started with a perfect moment, but ended horribly. Please check the codes before you read. It is not a happy story. This is a revised version of my entry in the third SOL writers group showdown. If you do read it, it probably won't surprise you to know that I lost.
Jennifer was having a horrible no-good very bad day, until she found her new Daddy. The narrator (Jennifer) has a filthy mouth, so be warned. Not only that, but please check the codes before you read. This is a slightly revised version of my entry in Showdown V, the fifth showdown in the SOL writers group. It's also very different from my usual stuff. Check my blog for why.