The Swarm Cycle is a collection of stories written around a concept introduced by the Thinking Horndog about an alien invasion and Earth's reaction to it. The intent is for it to be a public, multi-author universe after the fashion of the popular Naked in School stories.
The Sa'arm, a tripedal race with some physical resemblance to a cross between a mushroom and a lizard but with a hive mind, is sweeping across this galactic arm toward the center. They communicate by some sort of ESP, and ignore any race that does not. In their path is the Confederacy, a Galactic civilization that universally practices nonviolence -- and Earth...
Interested authors should examine the Swarm Author's page at
Martin Shultz is a child prodigy raised in the Swarm Era. A junior at Harvard, Martin rushes to complete his plan before turning 14 and being extracted.
This is set in Thinking Horndog's Swarm Cycle Universe. Children become adults and concubines and sponsors. An Earth Defense Force conference follows. Thanks to living with cats of all sizes, this cat herding mission is routine.
A Confederacy race ponders a decision to release a Doomsday device on the Sa'arm -- but will it be enough? Then - A big space battle turns into something completely different when an unexpected guest arrives. *Story does not conform with agreed canon!*
Set in Thinking Horndog's Swarm Cycle Universe, this is a follow-up to NOT WHAT THEY SEEM. Major Thomas E. Lawrence is the very model of the Alpha Male. Power is only one dimension.