A chance meeting between an older gentleman pilot and an accomplished younger woman pilot triggers a relationship that starts rough builds into long-term partners. They build a remarkable business and launch it into the public domain. Their loving connections with a larger group flavors their lives through romance, polyamory, sex, family and lesbian sex, and creative lovemaking.
She had no business applying for the job but she was desperate. It wasn’t her sexy appearance or any particular skills she possessed that caused me to hire her. It was the submissive look I saw in her eyes when she entered my office that day.
A serial rapist is operating in the city and SVU are stymied and unable to get a single clue to his identity despite him leaving bodily fluids on and in his victims. Detective Mike Harris and his partner Sergeant Janine Munner are working the case but she does not know that her partner, Mike Harris, is the Pantyhose Rapist, nor does she know he intends to rape the daughter of his latest victim. And she definitely doesn’t know he intends to rape her; his own partner!
Lacy has to find something to wear for her company Christmas party. She wants to hobnob with those in the company that can further her career. Little did she know that at this party she would be hobnobbing with the head of the company himself!
David, once an ordinary man with too many bills, continues an incredible journey combining ongoing sexual adventures that almost defies imagination. Starting with a limousine company, him and his team begin acquiring other businesses while avoiding trouble with the death of one of their own. The sex rolls, the adventure is a romp, and you won't be able to put this near 150,000 word Book 2 down!
A Story in the Kylie X. Interracial Stories Universe
When sixteen year old Kylie's father is up for a promotion at work, her mother decides to take advantage of the upcoming Father-Daughter Day and gives the teen some worldly advice, never expecting that her virginal black daughter would fall in love with a white man old enough to be Kylie's father!
Love or hate computers, you'll love this story. This satirical tale of the humiliation of Little Electronic Technologies and the destruction of their computer software monopoly is told from a future viewpoint, as a college assignment. Some determined computer geeks take on the global might of LET, and win! They defeat LET by getting deep inside their own software!