Stories in the Frank's Post-Apoc World Universe
Ever wondered what happened to the Sin Loos after Calver left. I did, too. This is what I found out. By the way, I reposted the previous books correcting most of the errors. Hope you enjoy, it's still in progress so may take a while! FS
In a future or nearby universe, sex offenders get an unusual punishment. What if you had the choice between that or a certain death? Alex had to make that choice and he chose...
A story in the Changes Universe
We prefer to think everything modern man introduces is new and unique. That is not really true. One sort of wise man used to say 'History Repeats Itself' at least unless man learns from the past mistakes. This story builds on that. If on Earth, things might have been different, maybe not though. Just recently a religious zealot I have known a long time told me things no sane, cognizant, rational man would be able to say with a straight face. Read on please.