I have pixies. They're in my house. They steal.... Screwdrivers, nail files, lighters, buttons from shirts, coins from my pockets. I feed them, they stopped stealing.
Chapter 1: A Sex Marathon With A Pretty Stranger - Ski Instructor - I had Only Known For A Couple Of Hours On A road Trip To Sandpoint ID. Sex in A Public Washroom And Car Sex At A Rail Road Crossing. Chapter 2: Romantic sex with another gorgeous stranger a day later in Sun Valley. Multiple orgasms in quick succession.
Steve and I had been doing it almost daily since he took my virginity back in the summer. Usually we did it in his car or at one of our homes when nobody was around but this time I wanted him to screw me when my parents were home. After all, my parents had told me they'd rather we do it in my room than some back seat so why not take advantage of it? Steve was a bit worried at first, well a LOT worried, but once we got started he soon forgot all about them!