Tom has been a lifelong friend of a female classmate named Pam and when she becomes a young woman, they start dating and start learning even more about each other.
Karen, a 15-year old, gets invited to go with Dave on a weekend outing to a nearby ski resort with three other couples. Dave, having fucked Karen a few times before, tells her not to worry about taking many clothes. What they're going to be busy doing doesn't require much in the way of being dressed.
Ruth goes to college and meets an older teacher who has gothic, Greek looks and a body to match. Ronny is the boy's soccer coach and travels with the boy's and girl's teams when the teams play away games. Ruth plays on the girl's team and with the help of her friend Jane, she decides to go for it. Ruth is a young woman who is anxious to experience life to the fullest and see what sex and love has to offer.
Growing up is hard to do from the perspective of Lois. She is confused and unhappy about her prospects because girls seem so limited in relation to boys that have all the choices and the opportunities that girls have to almost beg and scratch just to get their fair share.