It's not my fault I've got big tits, it's in my genes. One look at my mum and granny will tell you it runs in the family. I passed the 'c' cup barrier at fourteen and now I am pushing past the 'd' cup.
This story is complete, I'm just submitting it in chunks. In a land inhabited by demons and humans, a demon hunter named Hiryu loses a fight to a demon. His sister Bells must find the demon's lair and save her brother before the demon eats him.
This is an attempt to share my experiences with you as I go down the memory lane. Malabar is a semiurban area in kerala - the southern state of India. Majority of the population are muslims like myself living peacefully with our hindu and christian brothers. A vast majortiy of the menfolk work in middle east leaving their women with big houses, plenty of money and no sex! If you do get offended by incest please ignore this one!