A Sandy & Tim Story (3) Tim and Sandy go home from college to attend a wedding, and their relationship moves on to the next level. This is the third story about the couple, but each story stands on its own.
A story in the Tech and State Universe
Les is a sophomore engineering major who has just been dumped by his girlfriend, Lori. Although hurt and not ready to meet someone new, Les caves in to his roommate's suggestion that he have a blind date with Donna, one of Lori's friends. The evening turns out poorly. Despondent, Les composes an email to Lori that backfires badly. Sensing malice in how Lori is treating him, Donna attempts to intervene.
When Lucas Barrett found a lost tablet on the train during his commute home, he discovers the key to rescuing him from a crap job and proving to his father he can be a successful publisher, if he can convince the author to let him try.
Note: The BDSM element in this story is mild compared to most. Please don't shy away from this story because of that.
Ah! A new year approaches and a new love story pokes its nose out of the frozen earth. Mandy Stillwell was 14 and perhaps more misunderstood than mischievous, but sometimes when you get a reputation it sticks. It is her teacher's job to find out what her problem is, but in so doing, he changes more than one life. As usual, what sex there is, is largely implied, and the story is set in the UK and uses idiomatic British English throughout.
A Life in Paradise Story (2) Star running back Justin Baer meets, falls in love with and loses his virginity to Cheerleader Sherry Jones. The story follows their experiences making love over the course of their first year together. This story begins before Algonquin Memories in time.