A man awakes from a coma only to find he has selective amnesia. He doesn't know that he has a secret life. He is a closet transvestite. At first repulsed by the idea, he can't help exploring his secret life. What is it like to dress as a woman? What is it like to feel feminine? What is it like to suck a man's cock!
Scientists bring back a plant sample from a far off world. It is studied by a team of Earth's best scientists. But the plant isn't ordinary, it is sentient. Now it is on the loose and the local high school is it's next target.
Penny loves Tom. Penny meets Charlee and falls for her too. Tom cries foul. Penny says, Okay, Tom, we'll get you a guy. Tom cries foul again. Penny says, Okay Tom, we'll get you a couple. Tom says Yeah, but Charlee has other ideas, namely Charlotte, a girl with something extra for everyone. Tom meets Charlotte and all is well in Lifestyle Land. Until Olga cries foul. Where does she fit into all this? Read the story and find out