Based on the series 'The Walking Dead', the story follows the remaining family members making their way from Alabama to a safe haven in Georgia. Continuously searching for basic necessities and safety from the shuffling hordes of "biters", Michael, along with his younger brother David, brother-in-law Mitch, nephew Dylan and daughter, Addison, struggle to maintain their humanity in the midst of a chaotic world full of murderous zombies and lascivious human survivors.
Arthur has taken up a hobby in the basement of his mansion after the demise of his mother. Now the women come and go and he is spending more and more time down in the hidden rooms. His new bride to be is curious about his unusual hobby so he gives her a tour.
Late-blooming 14-year-old Bekkie explores her blossoming sluttiness by getting naked and probing her holes in her apartment building's backyard. She gets more than she bargained for and winds up eating cum and taking black cock, getting forcefully fucked in the mouth and cunt. A story as nasty and raunchy as it is dumb.
Kelli, a married young wife and mother, turns to working the phone sex line to keep her occupied and earn money at night while her husband's on the night shift.
This story is about couples (interracial) who like to swing and swap partners and their sexual adventures. Sometimes things can go really go wrong, too. Oh, Jenny's favorite color is -- naw, you'll have to read
it to find out :-)
Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Erotica Tags: Ma/Fa, Fa/Fa, Mult, Consensual, Lesbian, BiSexual, Heterosexual, Slut Wife, Swinging, Gang Bang, Group Sex, Orgy, Interracial, White Couple, Black Couple, Oral Sex, Anal Sex, Masturbation, Sex Toys, Novel-Pocketbook Downloads: 6317 | Votes:* | Score:* Size: 232KB | 43,499 words |
Ch 1- Wife is captured and displayed on internet feed.
Ch 2- My wife teases on her way to work on the NYC subway. She goes well beyond exposing herself to a few strangers, but stops before they were ready to stop. Royally pissed off, they seek revenge.
Ch3 - Her harsh, foul, cruel punishment by rape and gang bang!
Ch4 - She's rescued and learns a big lesson!?!{B}