Sophie's big brother helps her with her high school science project. The machine screws up and they switch bodies. This is how they cope with exploring how screwed up thing really can get.
A Swarm Cycle Story
Being a volunteer in a town that hates the Confederacy is not a good thing. Being in a Mall when things boil over is much more dangerous.
Hank Walker is just your average 17 year old student, but he decides to ride his motorcycle to Key West for Spring Break. Unfortunately, he runs afoul of the the Florida Highway Patrol. The next thing he knows, he's literally the only man in the world, and it's his duty to restock the world with the Y chromosome. Can he do it? Well, he's willing to fuck every woman in the world, but there are certain technical difficulties in the way. Here's a possible solution. / (Reviews)
Pursuing a fugitive thief, Rae and her partners land upon an uncharted planet unlike anything they have ever seen. When the true nature of the planet is revealed, they struggle for survival against an implacable foe.
Aerie says: click here Sammy and friends find themselves at a furs convention. Sammy finds things a bit too hot too handle after Aerie has her fitted for her own baboon-fursuit.
After a pandemic nearly exterminates humanity, conditions are right for women to form a radical feminist government. The few males who are suffered to live are imprisoned and used as sperm donors. But a few women dare to discover that they are by nature attracted to men. Alison rescues her lover Bill from his cell and they live as rebels. Other women join them.
A Story in the Magic Ink Universe
The job seemed simple enough. All that was required was to lock up a few buildings. But when was a job that required an O'Connell ever simple?