A story in the Jenny's World Universe
A guy has to change from male to female due to a freak condition. This is a first-person account of their struggles, failures and triumphs as they adjust.
Chronos Chronicles: (4) What has Chronos done this time. When she returns to the Compound, she finds it filled with new faces... and a call to war. She watches in horror and wonder as the chaos around her increases.
A Swarm Cycle Story
What do you do when the Confederation comes to town for a pick up and you have no idea what that means? Llewelyn Carter found himself in that position and took the rest of his family along for company. Oops!
Thi is a story of the war and one young orphan sailor, who although severely wounded lived to discover his parents, have a varied love life, and become a hero. It is a fictional story but is also a tribute to those who suvived the Londonblitz
A Swarm Cycle Story
So you got off the planet but that doesn't mean the danger is over. You still have to learn the rules or the lack of them. Alex Flowers continues to discover what he has let himself in for. The second story in the Cadet Saga.
I wrote the concept for this one as a three page outline at one of the very first Writing Workshops I went to back around 2016 and then it turned into a novella. Obviously alien sex doesn’t float everyone’s boat but I do hope you enjoy the story itself. Be warned. It is alien horror sex. Romance, it's not! But the sex is hot....
Tales of the Dryden DNA Disaster
Just messing around, Helen decided to take her own cherry with her own penis. Catching herself just as her erection grew, the seventeen year old guided her cock into her pussy. She had no idea that her fourteen year old sister stealing their mother's portal would delay things unit it was too late to pull out of herself. Helen was stuck, and desperately trying not to squirt a baby into her own belly! Would mom and Gwen be able to help her? Or would the two beautiful futanari make things worse?
I was a lad when I met the heir to the empire and the triad struck. We tried to protect her but she was taken and so was I. Me they wanted to punish by torture and the princess was raped and tortured to send a message to the emperor. Years later I was dedicated to the royal family and became the bodyguard for the emperor's granddaughter and heir. When trouble came it was from those friendly with the triad and then they tried another direct attack.