Beth and Nate were practically born to be together. Can a love that's meant to last a lifetime get past difficult trials? Can forgiveness be given when it really matters?
Decide for yourself after you read the story! IF you do, that is; it's likely to offend more than a few! I classified it as 'true', because there's more than a little truth in it! I'll leave you to figure out which part isn't!
A Story in the Ruby Red Universe
Much of this story will focus on events outside of Russia. The USSR is in the early stages of breaking up and things are changing in Russia. Gregor Andropov is one of those enigmas who can adapt and 'move on'. He sends me his two daughters, Natasha and Katya Andropov, first as 'body guards' then later they become a 'we'. Life will never be boring. They are both 40 D or larger, 21, and look like movie stars, not lady shot putters. Our relocation from Moscow to the USA is just the beginning.
You've heard of 'doodling': to scribble absentmindedly, using either words or abstract images; well, this is a kind of variation which I call 'woo-dling', which involves only words. It was written to while away the time whilst waiting for inspiration. You've also no doubt seen this story in a different form many times elsewhere: it is a simple tale of revenge gone wrong. No actual sex involved.
Rebecca has caught her boyfriend cheating on her once too often - it was time she moved on. But before she does she wants him to know just what he's missed out on. She goes to his brother's house where she finds he has a videocamera. She proceeds to show her cheating ex just what his brother will now be enjoying!