This story is straight out of the dark side. Its primary subject is a violent rape, portrayed from a young woman's point of view. If such stories are your cup of tea, by all means read it and let me know what you think about it. I only ask this: If this kind of story is NOT your forte, then please pass it by. Please don't read it and then score it low because you don't like the subject. These kind of dark stories really only appeal to a small number of people,and I post it for them
This is the story of two corrupt police officers, and the women and girls that they exploited, through coercion, force, and blackmail. Their main targets were young wives that would be extremely reluctant, and too ashamed, to tell their husbands that they had been raped. That, however, didn’t stop them from exploiting vulnerable high school girls, from time to time.
A young lady plots with a friend to get even with a man that wronged her. It takes a surprising turn of events. This was originally written as a much shorter story in 1999 under the title 'MY TURN NEXT' I have recently edited, revised and renamed it. Please tell me how you like it.
Intimidated by his big-breasted, overbearing wife, schoolteacher Sam is unable to perform. After seeing her cheating with a hugely endowed acquaintance Sam yields to temptation and easily attains erection with a tractable grade eight student.
I believe that most rapes, especially to young and vulnerable girls and women are life-shattering events and mustn't be taken lightly. Others are different, my ex wife often found herself either being coerced or even forced into doing things that she might not have done willingly but I know as a fact she looked back on these occasions with a buzz in her head and a tingle in her groin.