In the movie "Summer of 42", a coming-of-age story, teenager Hermie, lusts for Dorothy Walker, a recently married beauty married to a G.I. who is killed in action in World War II. In the movie, the love scene between Hermie and Dorothy is mild and undescriptive. My version brings out the details of what went on when Dorothy took Hermie to bed,
A Halloween 2023 Contest Entry
The annual frat Halloween party was legendary but Barry wasn't that hot on going, since his girlfriend had just dumped him. His frat brothers wanted him there, though, and when he saw Cat Woman he was glad he'd come. She was on the prowl and they ended up spending all night engaged in torrid sex. Only in the morning did they find out Halloween had tricked them.
Everyone says you never forget your first love. For Robert Pryce it was the best time of his life. But with a rocky marriage and a miserable sex life, his memories of his first love haunt him on a daily basis. What can he do to calm the madness that is slowly building up inside of him.
This is the sequel to "Defending Little Sis." It's a bit long but I found myself writing more and more about it. I hope you enjoy and let me know if i should write more on these characters.
An Uncle Bob Story Chrissy works for Uncle Bob at his gas station, where she takes care of the customer's needs. She'd like to date, but doesn't know how to act around boys. She enlists Bob's aid to show her what the boys might want to do and gets her own needs taken care of as Bob pumps her instead of gas.
An Uncle Bob Story Cathy stays with her Uncle Bob, working at the Grain Elevator where she's small enough to get into tight places. Or she used to be. When she tries to unplug a pipe and gets stuck, the only way to get her out is to grease her up and it's Uncle Bob who has to smear on the oil. What happens then affects the pipe in Uncle Bob's jeans, which leads to HER pipe getting plugged up. And it looks like it'll take nine months to get her pipe cleared again. / (Reviews)
Fascinated with politics, she starts in local races and slowly becomes comfortable at higher and higher levels. The excitement of power stimulates her sexually her work becomes intermingled with sex outside her marriage. She celebrates political wins with skirt up and legs spread.