Mike McBride was driven to adultery by his inability to satisfy his lustful appetite with his wife. Even though he loved her, he craved certain acts which she absolutely refused to participate in. But then, activating his desires on others only made him crave his wife more. It was she he wanted to do these things to. What Mike didn't know was that his wife had been involved in lascivious behavior before they met. Would he find out? Only if she didn't pay the blackmailer.
Never worked in a pet shop before? If you're hot and horny and you are not getting enough at home, then a pet shop can provide plenty of horny animals - even a donkey on occasions.
Little did Doris know when she took the secretarial job offer from Romily Manor, the nature of the duties she was to perform. She hadn't counted on being a paid playmate for Mildred Wynton's twenty-five-year- old retarded son. Her horror deepened even further at the realization that she had to share her voluptuous body with the degenerate doctor and Mrs. Wynton's lascivious chauffeur. Mrs. Wynton was the mistress of the manor in name, but it was Doris's lush young body that held the title!