Finn Harrison... RAF officer, KGB double-agent, businessman, friend, brother, lover and correspondent with his time travelling older self who is determined to do-over his life vicariously. Adulthood has one or two challenges ahead. (Note: BDSM, group, f/f and m/m codes will come up infrequently and are easily skipped.)
Out of the frying pan, into the fire… Or in the case of 23-year-old Vincent Hargrove — out of a tragic past, into an unfaithful marriage. When it gets to be too much he runs away. Isolated in the woods hoping against hope that time will heal all wounds. Isolation in the deep woods of central Oregon he finds peace in solitude. As he develops a small parcel of land left to him by his grandparents he gets along with minimal human contact, until a desperate foreign woman crosses his path. / (Reviews)
A Story in the Naked In School Universe
What happens when the Naked in School Program comes to a high school in Fairbanks, Alaska? Emma and her classmates, using a blizzard of cool tactics, give it a frigid reception as they try to stop it cold. This is a gentle story about the coming of age of a brilliant young woman who discovers her own sexuality while dealing with some unforgiving bureaucracies as she grows up in a world with the Program. Warning: There's romance. And physics.
Artist Jett Blackburn's paintings reveal the soul of his subjects. They have the power to change the viewer, the model, and the artist. Sometimes emotionally, sometimes terminally. Join this digital native and his accumulation of girlfriends as they break the ties with their parents and move off to college and self-discovery.
A Story in the Eros Universe
This is the conclusion of the Amber Allso story. It opens 125 years after that story. The Nation and Corporation of Allso has been attacked by governments world wide in an attempt to take them over. Zandra Allso, Amber's many times great granddaughter takes charge of the fight. This is story 5 in the Eros Universe.
An ancient prophecy reaches fulfilment in the person of a thirteen year old boy. Can Pagan O'Rourke live up to the expectations of his family, clan, and nation? Will he bring honor to his ancient bloodline? Only time will tell.
The Saga of Nowy Poland (2) Sequel to "A Leader Born". A new homeland. A new city, rising far from the ashes of the old. For the young King and his companions, a chance to create something better. But, the mistakes of past Kings have consequences...
An Uncle Bob Story I'm one of triplets. My brother, sister and I have no idea who our father is. We may even have different fathers. We live with our Uncle Bob. He's a nudist. He's really good at putting sunscreen on me out by the pool. We kids didn't think it was strange that Mom slept in Uncle Bob's room. We didn't think it was strange that we kids all slept in the same bed either. And by the time we were in high school, we didn't want it any other way. Our life was unconventional. But we liked it that way. / (Reviews)
An Eternal Serpent's Tale (7) Joe finds himself at home in Minnesota with Snake, Joe's angel wives and the other angels and mortals. They take over a defunct theater/camp on a beautiful Central Minnesota lake to listen to more Tales and to work on dance and plays. Simon's aggression escalates. As usual, reading the Tales from the start is highly recommended.
A story in the Beth Universe
This story, of a bright, well-adjusted, modern girl, is long. It begins with her mother's infidelity, an act that becomes the impetus for a plan to further her ambitions in a particular direction: her hunk of a father. The plan does not come apart so much as it expands to encompass much more than she planned... just as the actual writing did. Chapters will be posted every fifth day. See Bookapy for the published books.