A woman going through a divorce and her three daughters move into the small home of her sister-in-law, her husband and their three sons. One son and the three daughters must sleep in the basement.
Fertile Flock is the finale of the trilogy that began with Prurient Parishioners and continued with Concupiscent Congregation. The results of undisciplined libido become apparent.
Jeff and Julie, 17-year-old highschoolers, are transported back to Earth, circa 250 MILLION BC! This was the time of giant insects and long before dinosaurs. This is the story of their struggle for survival against 10-foot scorpions and 14-foot praying mantises. These insects really existed; this is no fantasy! Join them as they cope with a real "Land of the Giant Insects."
This is the story of the shaman, Glade, and her apprentice, Ivory. It is the tale of two women's lives in Ice Age Europe and Africa. Life in the Ice Age isn't easy. It isn't only due to the frozen climate in which Mammoths and Cave Lions thrive where humans struggle to survive. There are people from the Mammoth Hunters' tribe and beyond who are keen to take advantage of a shaman from another land and an apprentice who is as yet innocent of the ways of the world.