Simultaneity should never be underrated... Numerous events in a block of flats. 'Firstly that she was turned on by what was happening, and secondly that her body was resting very nicely against the vibrating washing machine, and its movement was vibrating right through her.'
Visiting Japan and getting an invitation for a nice weekend but getting more than I bargained for. In a rural Japanese style hotel with a natural hot spring we ran into a group of beautiful women who were on their ladies weekend celebrating the previous years harvest. An exciting story based on true events! Ok, here and there some fictional additions to make it into a nice total story but most of it is true.
Firstly, apologies to all witches; I know that this tale has no bearing on your ways and practices, it is pure fantasy. Back in the 1600's the 'Witchfinder General' was responsible for the deaths of over 300 women, many totally innocent, others persecuted for their beliefs. A pledge for vengeance on all those descending from one Matthew Hopkins is confirmed by a coven, whose dark order is passed down the generations by its dominant female members; their quest to eliminate, relentless.