The more difficult sex becomes between young professor, John Watson, and his pregnant wife, the hornier he becomes. His voyeuristic obsession extends to his sexy neighbors, but when their computer savvy Austrian nanny catches him masturbating, his entire life changes. In his wildest dreams, he never would have expected what happens across the duplex driveway.
Fourteen-year-old Dianne found the thrill of nearly being caught by her Mom one night utterly intoxicating. She'd been lying on her bed, naked, playing with her little nipples, and had only covered up just in time. What if it had been Daddy, she thought excitedly afterward, and what if she hadn't covered up...?
A girl tells the story of her life in remote Wyoming, and how she and her brother learned about life and having babies together. Mom and Dad discover their relationship and while trying to discourage it get drawn in. / (Reviews)
A student nurse does an unexpected Xmas day shift in theatre but when a woman surgeon invites her home for the evening she gets a lesbian induction from the whole family.
A Waikiki PI Story
Waikiki PI Story #3. Joe Solomon, private dick, gets mixed up with a crazy cult, finding love amidst the insanity. Read the previous stories in the Waikiki Universe first. Edited and improved.