Pam is caught by an angry police officer who takes advantage of her in terrible ways. He forces himself on her and abuses her. Not for the feint of heart. Forewarned is Forearmed.
This is the story about a guy who adored the pretty blonde majorette, admired her bottom especially in her majorette unform and tried unsuccessfully have her say yes, to be his valentine. Art's time comes to fulfill Julia G Wynn's deepest fantasy. But first there is some making amends with her hiney as the star. Art would rather pamper her butt with non-serious spanks, so, she adds information that changes the whole ballgame. See how nice boys can get the girl of their dreams.
Darcy is a thrill-seeker who undergoes a radical change. The story vividly portrays Darcy’s appearance and excitement for college life, especially the intriguing attraction of the Delta Tau Chi sorority’s exclusive poolside “smother chairs.”
Heather's youngest daughter Ellie is fourteen and to initiated into her family's close private life. This is coming of age story. The content is strong, containing teen sex, group sex, incest, scat, watersport, and lot more.
I don't own Pretty Little Liars, characters or make money from this story. All characters in this story are 18 years of age or older. This story contains spanking of eighteen year olds for discipline and blackmail. Hannah fights with her mom and refuses to give her mom her cell phone. Aria confronted by Hannah's mom over the police incident. Alison remains anonymous using a voice synthesizer to disguise her voice. However, to Aria she knows as "A. Aria has moved out and at the mercy of 'A.'
A story in the Max Dolcett Universe
A world where slavery/dolcett is normalized. Celebrity contestants including two Kardashian sisters, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Alyson Hannagan, Lori Loughlin, Jodie Sweetin, Maisie Williams and Sophie Turner compete on a show called "Fear Factor" facing dangerous and disgusting stunts in a competition for their lives!
A Fanny TV Story (8) I saw an Eight Simple Rules episode and it got my creative juices flowing. Bridget now eighteen is in college and showing too much cheek in her cheerleader uniform. It also includes anal sex and 'goosing.' All characters in this story are eighteen years of age or older.