WRITTEN BY PHOEBE: I've always had a self-image problem. I don't think that I'm very pretty and I know that I'm not comfortable in most social situations. Ever since I was in kindergarten I've been shy and quiet at school. But when I finally started high school things rapidly changed for me.
Red Headed Ember is as hot as her name implies. A girl I met through mail contacts and then in person. I was in for a treat and so was she. Before her weekend was over she was sucked, fucked, reamed and creamed by me, her first black cock, another girl and of all things a snake. Enjoy, comments always welcome.
Was perusing an old copy of the Decameron by Boccaccio which is similar to the Canterbury Tales by Chaucer. People often outsmart themselves in those tales and it reminded me of a story with a comparable ending. You'll have to read it to compare.
A girl tells the story of her life in remote Wyoming, and how she and her brother learned about life and having babies together. Mom and Dad discover their relationship and while trying to discourage it get drawn in. / (Reviews)
Te get Megan to improve her behavior and do better in school, Daddy gave her little rewards when she did better. A touch here... a kiss there... a tweak, or maybe a little suck. And she DID do better. Now she's bringing home a report card with all A's and Megan knows EXACTLY what reward she wants this time. Can daddy resist her? / (Reviews)
A student nurse does an unexpected Xmas day shift in theatre but when a woman surgeon invites her home for the evening she gets a lesbian induction from the whole family.
After a less than exciting prom night, Mel is home early. She overheard two girls speculating that her twin brothers were screwing her. She's a virgin, but the thought of sex with her brothers had been preying on her mind all evening. She decides to do something about it.