A police officer sits in on the confession of a man who had committed incest on his three daughters. Hearing the confession seems to cause the cop to admit his own shortcomings to himself, for the truth is that he has been suppressing feelings for his own daughter. As the days after unfold, his perverted thoughts continue.
As with all my stories, this short piece about a horny father and his 13 year old daughter is posted in hopes that it will moisten panties and/or encourage masturbation. And like all the others, there is no redeeming value to it.
Seeing his little girl dressed up for a party, he is shocked at how she had matured without him realizing it. After she leaves, he turns to alcohol, which begins to eat at his brain, clouding his morals. When she returns, she is in a mild state of depression. Who better than her father to console her?
All through rural America small towns are drying up and blowing away. The small town of Lesserton has found a way to prosper under these hard economic conditions. All it took was three men's will to attract the right kind of people to a place willing to ignore convention.
Clair and Cliff Huxtable are doing what married couples do, when their teenaged daughter barges in. A problem? Of course not; it's a chance for Mom to provide a few lessons.
A clever teenage girl suddenly starts performing poorly in her school work. Her mother seeks a pyschiatrist's help. What follows is improvement in her school work and wild incestuous fun with her dad