Incest to beat all incest. Brother and sister have been getting it on between each other for years because they could not find anyone who could satisfy them better than the love they had for each other. The sister had been divorced because her husband wanted a younger girl, so the brother moves in with his sister who had three kids, since he was helping pay some of the bills anyway.
I have been a teller of stories since I was very small. I've written articles and papers, but had never put a story on paper. A friend asked why not? Then he bet that I wouldn't dare write "that kind of story". What choice did I have? Here it is, the story. It isn't so odd for two girls to love the same man. Unless he is the father of one of them.
Chuck buys his favorite girly magazine only to find his daughter and her best friend featured in the centerfold spread. If that isn't bad enough, there's a strange man's cock in his little girl's pussy. What's a father to do? / (Reviews)
Gwen was a reporter and she spent a lot of time abroad running down stories, while her daughter Cathy had lived almost exclusively at one boarding school or another. Just over a week ago, Gwen had turned up at School to inform her daughter that the long separation was finally over and the two of them would move into a house and live together. Even start with a mother-daughter vacation, and indeed it was a memorable vacation.