Matthew has the weekend to himself, alone at the condo. He's under severe restrictions, however, imposed by his Mom. Matthew is 14 and not old enough to be home alone for the weekend. His sister Casey gives him something to keep him occupied while they're gone. Neither has any clue what's really going on, or the consequences.
When the young priestess Chamara is overwhelmed by her former captive, they both learn a thing or two about their apparent rivalling beliefs. (set in the world of the dark fantasy roleplaying game, Black Void)
14-year-old Cyrus's desire for certain girls makes him dream over and over each night of trying to have sex with them -- not something he can control. Tara and Melanie share his dreams, though none of them understands the connection at first. But then Tara's 5-year-old sister Hannah reports a similar dream involving her friend's father, and the plot thickens. The big kids share their experiences, and then unite to save Hannah from the clutches of a misdirected sexual abuse investigation.
This is part of the series about Dan, Vicki, and their family. (5) Part of the Southern Sexual Liberation universe
This story continues to present the lives of Dan, Vicki, Haley, and Michelle, and their children. Trevor has been kicked out of his house by Jamie, leading to some seduction by two very loving women. Meanwhile, Karl repays the debt that he owes Vicki. And somewhere along the way, Dan experiences the twins together at last. Toss in family film night, and you have this particular Sunday in the life of the von Greiner clan. Hold on, it's a wild ride!
A tryst with a mysterious blonde turns a self-made (mostly) bachelor's life around, as he learns of his true origins and discovers that his mother is a Greek goddess who left me a special blessing, the gift that gives him power over anyone who he kisses on the mouth.
Take a brutish husband, a manipulative, twisted woman and two pretty teenage daughters and you have a recipe for disaster. The account of this tragedy and its ending is true. Adding Heavy Matter (you should read MasterBuilder on SOL first to understand the concept) and various new people to the mix should have brought about more positive results. Yet, fiction often takes on a life of its own ...