Modern day harem life of slaves and their struggles for alpha slave status. Even among slaves with no rights, there is a pecking order. Master is unaware of the intrigue and back stabbings that go on when he is away from the harem between his sex slaves. Or is he?
What would have happened if Hitler had been a little more lucky? What would life have been like in the UK under German occupation? Especially, what would have happened to the more attractive of the women? Most of the action takes place in 1947. Germany won the war. Belgium, France, Holland, Ireland, Italy, Norway, Sweden, and Spain are all part of Greater Germany and are effectively provinces. The UK is still occupied by the German army.
The setting is Zimbabwe in the mid 1980s, when the whites are being pushed out by a new black ruling class and the land is still lawless, the police more lawless than the rest. A Shona tribe police chief in central Zimbabwe wants fourteen-year-old European boys. The Whitfelds, trying to hold onto their dairy outside Gweru, have a fourteen-year-old blond foster boy, one who already is tasting sex from black men and craves more. The Whitfelds's answer to being able to stay on is an obvious one.
Tom works for a woman who's hot and a nice lady - until she becomes his boss. Mandy turns into a total bitch - and Tom gives notice and collects his "going away" gifts from Mandy, day by day.