As the son of the owner I mostly run and control the resort security. When things begin to happen I step in and I do not have to play by the rules. From finding a lost diver to a bomber I hunt the one attacking the resort and those I felt responsible for. It was all about following the money and those sent to hurt us and they would provide the answer.
John Colshaw's wife suddenly divorces him, telling him he knows what he's done, but he doesn't, and his attempts to find out meet with rejection and even violence. Getting a job transfer proves advantageous, but this interferes with his quest for justice. Will discovering the truth make his life OK again? Not sure whether this story contains little sex, or some sex. Somewhere between?
Angela left unannounced for Europe 18 months ago, immediately after her private erotic photoshoot with Kevin. (see my story on this site,Under Her Skirt). Kevin hasn't been the same since. He has become a serious student of photography, won a contest and is contemplating making it his new profession. He has taken a trip to Italy to see what its like to be a freelance photographer. He has a great eye for landscapes, buildings and the ladies, especially one in particular.
An Uncle Bob Story Uncle Bob decides to buy into his brother's farming operation and retire from his own stressful business. And life could be good on the farm. He's got a beautiful niece and her mother is just as good looking. Happiness is a blowjob, right boys? Then again... maybe not!
In my recent story,'Returning Home' there was a character named Bear, an Ex-Biker. Readers wanted to know more about Bear. This is his story. It's in two Chapters. Lots of categories.