This is the story of a young man coming of age in the early 1970's, after high school. Carl learns about women and love, joins the Marine Corps, and learns about being an adult; this is a long story with several books covering many decades. Lots of sex in the first couple of books, and is autobiographical in nature.
This is a romantic comedy about a fictitious basketball legend. It also tells how two people of different skin colors come together, after some mental struggles. There are extremely few sex scenes in this story.
Valerie, while doing a nude painting of her son, surrendered to her lust and seduced him. But a phone call from her sister goes all wrong and now Aunt Penny is worried. What she finds when she investigates changes her life forever. / (Reviews)
A Take Me Out to the Ballgame Story (4) Alex Osborn just wanted a chance, at long last, to prove he could pitch in the majors. He got his chance -- and took another chance as well -- maybe with the wrong woman.
Young Jay controls the high ground and all the water, but Franklin Lyons is not to be denied as he tries to protect his life savings which are invested in thirsty cattle. His wife wants some of what both men have to offer.In his need, Jay is forced to turn to his mother's people for help. Jay finds a side of him that he hadn't known before. / (Reviews)
This is much more of a love story with some sex. Cindy has just returned from 14 months as a Navy nurse in Iraq and is suffering from PTSD. She meets John, a Vietnam vet and he helps her through her disease and the two of them end up as lovers. / (Reviews)
A successful young man finds himself suddenly alone, the love of his life gone and his perfect world shattered. Two very different women come into his life: one fun chick to bring joy into his world, and the cute new girl at work to share his heart with.