Kelly's teddy, Rupert, was her favorite. Not because he was her oldest, it was because he'd helped her to her first orgasm, and many more since. When her mom discovered her secret it opened doors to her own desires she'd thought were firmly closed.
A My Brother's Keeper Story (2) A "My Brother's Keeper" story. Jimmy has to overcome disappointment and failure as part of the growing up process. Along the way, he learns to readjust his values and reassess the path he's chosen for himself.
A BattleMage World Story - 1st Series (7) Part of the The World of the Battlemages universe
Nathan and Ariel are busy trying to learn all about Ariel's new power and two questions came up. What would happen if they met someone who felt so betrayed and so grossly wronged in their life that they felt intense rage about being completely "powerless" to do anything about it? And what would happen if one day that person is given "power"? One time, in a city, during the summer, there was this woman...
Stories of the Dr fucking his Asian staff and manipulating them to sexfight. Analysis said his aim in life was self-gain at others expense, to establish himself comfortably without undue exertion by any means, and exploit others, especially Asian females, for his benefit. His personality was graded as sociopathic, manipulative, greedy, cheating and fraudulent, sycophantic, lecherous and adulterous, cowardly, and never to be trusted or relied upon. Inspired by this I try to emulate the Dr.
A story in the George series. The law does not concern itself with trifles. Tormenting a young woman just because she’s no Anna Nicole Smith was nothing the law would deal with. George’s childhood friend Bex studied law to find some other way to get even. Revenge was brutal and not as sweet as Bex had hoped. The best revenge is to live well. George saw to that. / (Reviews)
"Captain," she said her head lowered, "I know I'm a little young, but do you think you could, I mean perhaps you could spare some time to."
"Come on girl spit it out," I said sharply.
"Well I've never done it before," she said, "and it would be the coolest if I could do it here, you know, my first time going at warp 2 in a 300 series."
I just stared out into space, not knowing what to say for she was a wanker's dream.
Johnny has a spell he uses to make women give themselves to him. If he can get a woman to say she is his three times, she is completely his! How does it work? And who else is trying to get the girls?