Jackson works as a maintenance man on the Gulf Coast of Florida. He was working at a Health Maintenance Organization (HMO). That job frizzled, so Jackson applied to work at a large condominium. He’s hired to replace the current man who’s leaving since that guy is retiring. A lot of healthy, needy ladies live at the condo. The maintenance log book, which was passed down, has some cryptic euphemisms in it. Warning - contains much sex.
A My Eighteenth Story Part of the Eros's Dominion universe
Jacob is a classic tit-man. He loves nothing more than big tits. One pair he loves more than any other, and on his eighteenth birthday he finds the desire is mutual.
The continuing story of the Taylor Family for anyone who can't wait for the next chapter in FF4. This is fan fiction and not condoned by the actual Family Feud author. It probably does not relate in any way to what she'll write herself, but it provides a read for those like me who needed one. / (Reviews)
A Kelly Story (1) A chance encounter with a hotel owner's daughter brightens a boring evening, and ensures I look forward to future monthly regional meetings.
This is the story of an average American family and how it deals with the invasion of their home. The invader, barely known by the family's daughter, wreaks havoc as he dramatically changes their lives forever.
Ariel is a slim, stacked, horny sluty mother. When she realizes her son Joseph has the biggest cock she's ever seen, she sets out to seduce him. Joseph turns to the school counsellor for help, However, she turns out to be every bit as slim, stacked, and horny as his mother. Will the counsellor help Joseph resist his mother, or just make his forbidden desires that much stronger?