Kenny Gamera is a freelance writer of nature articles and the like. He is a single man in his mid thirties and lives with his friend Fred. Fred is just another under-employed college grad, who is more interested in re-living his college days by chasing younger women and pornography. He has a few conections in the industry that result in a chance to join in a record breaking porn star gangbang.
Kenny tags along and meets Shelly, aka Summer Isle, college student, stripper, and porn actress. It is love at first sight for both of them. Together, they try to build a relationship while Shelly builds a career in the sex industry and Fred chases tail.
First of an Universe of stories that a Fan has called "Kenny and the Fluffer." Kenny meets a young lady at the taping of a gangbang video. It is love at first sight.
Shelly has a scene to shoot for an amateur internet site, but the guy doesn't show. Fred fills in as does his new girl friend. Given 9,10,10,10 by Crimson Dragon, this story also received an honorable mention on her list of best stories for July 2003