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Making of a Gigolo — a series by Lubrican

Bobby Dalton was raised by a single mom, and had seven sisters. It was only natural that he'd understand women a bit better than the average man, and that he'd have a knack at knowing what women needed. His talents, along those lines, would draw some women to him. He didn't plan on it happening dozens of times, and he didn't think of the consequences. His story is told in a series of at least a dozen stories, which should be read in order.

1 The Making Of A Gigolo (1) - Tilly Johnson

Bobby Dalton was raised by a single mother, and had seven sisters. He understood what women needed. He didn't plan to become a man sought out by more than a dozen women. He didn't even plan to lose his virginity, when it happened. But Tilly Johnson changed his life. / (Reviews)
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Sex Contents: Some Sex | Genre: Erotica
Tags: Ma/Fa, Teenagers, Consensual, Heterosexual, Cheating, First, Oral Sex, Petting, Pregnancy
Downloads: 69051 | Votes: 1733 | Score: 7.25
Size: 44KB | 8,659 words | Posted:

2 The Making Of A Gigolo (2) - Martha Thompson

Martha's husband was a worthless drunk, and everybody knew it. She wasn't used to attention from a man, and when Bobby gave it to her, it caused her to do some things she hadn't intended to. / (Reviews)
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Sex Contents: Some Sex | Genre: Erotica
Tags: Ma/Fa, Consensual, Reluctant, Heterosexual, Cheating, Oral Sex, Pregnancy
Downloads: 49514 | Votes: 1484 | Score: 7.54
Size: 57KB | 11,201 words | Posted: Concluded:

3 The Making Of A Gigolo (3) - Sherry Winston

Sherry was married to a man who was gone all the time. There were some troublesome indications that Sam, her husband, was fooling around on her too. She heard about Bobby from a friend, who described him as being capable of fixing anything - including a lonely heart. Meanwhile Bobby's mother is getting suspicious, and his oldest sister is worried about not knowing what to do on dates. Bobby's sexual world expands.
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Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Erotica
Tags: Ma/Fa, Consensual, Reluctant, Cheating, Incest, Oral Sex, Masturbation, Petting, Pregnancy
Downloads: 50248 | Votes: 1263 | Score: 7.57
Size: 95KB | 18,408 words | Posted: Concluded:

4 The Making Of A Gigolo (4) - Prudence Harris

Prudence had believed for fifteen years that she was responsible for her husband's death, because she had flirted with his brother. She'd punished herself for fifteen years, and the darkness in her life had infected her daughter too. Then she met Bobby.
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Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Erotica
Tags: Ma/Fa, Ma/ft, Teenagers, Consensual, Reluctant, Heterosexual, Incest, Oral Sex, Masturbation, Petting, Pregnancy
Downloads: 47918 | Votes: 1255 | Score: 7.99
Size: 133KB | 25,662 words | Posted: Concluded:

5 The Making Of A Gigolo (5) - Jill Trimble

Jill was divorced, and angry at men in general. Her ex was a bastard, and she expected other men to be the same. When things break, though, you usually have to find a man to repair them. A friend told her Bobby Dalton could fix anything. Her friend was right. He fixed much more than her washing machine.
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Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Erotica
Tags: Ma/Fa, Ma/ft, Consensual, Reluctant, Heterosexual, Incest, Oral Sex, Masturbation, Petting, Pregnancy
Downloads: 54875 | Votes: 1146 | Score: 8.03
Size: 253KB | 49,136 words | Posted: Concluded:

6 The Making Of A Gigolo (6) - Christy Brown

Christy lived with her parents, while her husband was off jumping out of airplanes in Viet Nam. She could live with that, except he kept asking to go back, instead of coming home. And, when he did come home, he didn't seem interested in her. She was lonely and bored. She thought redecorating her room would help. It did.
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Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Erotica
Tags: Ma/Fa, Ma/ft, Teenagers, Consensual, Romantic, Reluctant, Heterosexual, Incest, Harem, Oral Sex, Masturbation, Petting, Pregnancy
Downloads: 49802 | Votes: 1060 | Score: 7.99
Size: 205KB | 39,823 words | Posted: Concluded:

7 The Making Of A Gigolo (7) - Rhonda Wilson

Rhonda wasn't pretty or popular in High School. When Herb asked her to the prom, and then to marry her, she thought her fairy tale dreams had come true. It took a year to find out that was wrong. It took eleven more before her shining prince suddenly appeared. By then, though, she wasn't quite ready for a shining prince.
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Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Erotica
Tags: Ma/Fa, Ma/ft, Consensual, Romantic, Reluctant, Incest, Oral Sex, Masturbation, Petting, Pregnancy
Downloads: 39832 | Votes: 1006 | Score: 7.94
Size: 136KB | 26,516 words | Posted: Concluded:

8 The Making Of A Gigolo (8) - Felicity Chumley

Felicity married an older man - a MUCH older man. She loved him, but her 10 year High School reunion was coming up, and he wouldn't go with her. He suggested she hire a younger man to take her, and impress her friends. Her friends were impressed, but not as much as Felicity.
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Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Erotica
Tags: Ma/Fa, Ma/ft, Teenagers, Reluctant, Heterosexual, Incest, Harem, Oral Sex, Masturbation, Petting, Pregnancy
Downloads: 51473 | Votes: 1028 | Score: 8.32
Size: 249KB | 48,445 words | Posted: Concluded:

9 The Making Of A Gigolo (9) - Amanda Griggs

Bobby's life, and that of his family, was getting more complicated. Then he met Amanda, who was very busy, very impatient, and who had no time for a permanent man in her life. Her world was falling apart, though, and she needed. something.
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Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Erotica
Tags: Ma/Fa, Consensual, Romantic, Reluctant, Heterosexual, Incest, Harem, Oral Sex, Masturbation, Petting, Pregnancy
Downloads: 49852 | Votes: 1010 | Score: 8.44
Size: 277KB | 53,734 words | Posted: Concluded:

10 The Making Of A Gigolo (10) - Liz Sinderson

Liz Sinderson wasn't looking for another man. She loved her husband, and he was quite enough man for her. But her husband had some strange tastes. He was proud of his wife. He was never more proud than when another man wanted her. She didn't like trolling bars to feed his fetish. but what else could she do?
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Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Erotica
Tags: Ma/Fa, Consensual, Reluctant, BiSexual, Cheating, Incest, Oral Sex, Masturbation, Petting, Pregnancy
Downloads: 39048 | Votes: 957 | Score: 8.16
Size: 210KB | 41,181 words | Posted: Concluded:

11 The Making Of A Gigolo (11) - Renee Zimmerman

Renee came from a high class family, and had married a rich man. They moved to Granger, Kansas so his import export buisiness would make them even richer. She thought she had it all. Then she found out what her husband was really like, and her world fell apart. And then... she ran into Bobby Dalton.
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Sex Contents: Some Sex | Genre: Erotica
Tags: Ma/Fa, Consensual, Romantic, Reluctant, Heterosexual, Cheating, Incest, Oral Sex, Masturbation, Petting, Pregnancy
Downloads: 43631 | Votes: 940 | Score: 8.40
Size: 325KB | 62,814 words | Posted: Concluded:

12 The Making Of A Gigolo (12) - Janet Griswold

Janet put up a good front about being a confident woman, who didn't have a man in her life because she didn't need a man in her life. After two failed marriages, her mantra was that men were usually more trouble than they were worth. Her bravado convinced almost everybody that it would take a very special man to get her attention. But the truth was that Janet was afraid of men. One man, in particular, made her very nervous. Then, one night, that man knocked on her door.
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Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Erotica
Tags: Ma/Fa, Consensual, Reluctant, Incest, Light Bond, Oral Sex, Masturbation, Petting, Pregnancy
Downloads: 40976 | Votes: 899 | Score: 8.29
Size: 200KB | 38,640 words | Posted: Concluded:

13 The Making Of A Gigolo (13) - Misty Compton

Misty was an up and coming music star, when a series of unforseen circumstances landed her in Kansas for a series of concerts. It started badly, and seemed to be getting worse, particularly when she met an infuriating man named Bobby Dalton. Before the first concert was even close she almost got on a plane and went back home. almost. / (Reviews)
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Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Erotica
Tags: Ma/Fa, Consensual, Reluctant, Heterosexual, Incest, Harem, Oral Sex, Masturbation, Petting, Pregnancy
Downloads: 48869 | Votes: 993 | Score: 8.79
Size: 265KB | 51,316 words | Posted: Concluded:

14 The Making Of A Gigolo (14) - Erica Bradford

Erica Bradford was on the front lines of the Women's Liberation Movement, and proud to be there. She was a strong, independant woman, a teacher by trade, and was quite convinced she didn't need the help of any man. Then she moved to Granger Kansas where she was given a task she couldn't do alone. And the only person who would help her was a man, a man named Bobby Dalton.
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Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Erotica
Tags: Ma/Fa, Consensual, Reluctant, Heterosexual, Incest, Oral Sex, Masturbation, Petting, Pregnancy, Slow
Downloads: 69465 | Votes: 960 | Score: 8.58
Size: 664KB | 129,488 words | Posted: Concluded:

15 The Making Of A Gigolo (15) - Agatha Roberts

Agatha Roberts, set out to unmask Bobby Dalton as the pervert she and others were sure he was. The Dalton Bed and Breakfast was already changing the lives of Mirriam Dalton and her infamous son, and would now become the scene of crisis. Are Bobby's days as a purveyor of physical delight to dozens of women over? In this, the last full book in the series, we find out how Bobby feels about all this. / (Reviews)
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Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Erotica
Tags: Ma/Fa, Consensual, Romantic, Reluctant, Heterosexual, Incest, Oral Sex, Masturbation, Petting, Lactation, Pregnancy, Slow
Downloads: 87327 | Votes: 1008 | Score: 9.02
Size: 699KB | 136,655 words | Posted: Concluded:

16 The Making Of A Gigolo (16) - Epilogue

Bobby Dalton got married. But was that the end of his story? The women he didn't marry pledged to his bride that they'd leave him alone. Did they honor that pledge? What about his prodigious sex drive? And just how many babies did he father after all? Loose ends are tied up - and created. / (Reviews)
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Sex Contents: Some Sex | Genre: Erotica
Tags: Ma/Fa
Downloads: 34058 | Votes: 1285 | Score: 8.87
Size: 36KB | 6,601 words | Posted:
* Not enough votes to show score yet


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