Twisted Dreams
Copyright© 2010 by niteowluk99
Chapter 1
Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - A married woman experiencing severe headaches which tablets won't shift seeks alternative therapy in the form of hypnosis and then begins having dreams of making love to a young female; which is extremely unusual for her because women never normally entered her head sexually; unaware of the young female who hypnotised her is trying to plant the seeds of her twisted fantasy in the married woman's mind.
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Fa/Fa mt/mt NonConsensual Hypnosis Lesbian Heterosexual Fiction Zoophilia Furry Slut Wife Wimp Husband Cuckold Wife Watching Group Sex First Oral Sex Anal Sex Masturbation Petting Sex Toys Water Sports Exhibitionism
Janice Crowley was an average mid forties woman; No that is not quite right; she was average only in the fact that she had average aspirations about her married life and sex in particular. For Janice's body could easily be mistaken for a twenty something woman; oh it was not by design of course but she did like to take care of herself; she called it looking after her husband's pride and joy.
Now this may seem a strange way to introduce the tale I am about to tell; but it must be clearly understood that as the norm Janice had no thoughts which could even remotely be considered perverted or twisted and definitely no thoughts of cheating on her husband; not accepting this will make the story a nonsense. What Janice did have was pounding headaches and had been doing so for the last two weeks.
Her doctor had examined her from head to foot; well wouldn't you want to look at every inch of a woman built like Janice; she was five foot six tall slim build with 38DD breasts but those breast were topped off with the largest nipples ever, a good two inch areola and a quarter of an inch thick teats which stretched out almost two inches in their own right; her pretty face was framed with raven coloured hair short cropped accentuating her ivory pale skin against its own darkness.
I digress; as I said her doctor had fully examined her and could find no reason for the headaches; MRI scans; ECG; all manner of tests had failed to find the answers and even the strongest prescription painkillers were not shifting the headaches. So almost as a last resort Janice was referred to an alternative therapist. Pamela Jones was that therapist and specialised in hypnotherapy. The problem was that Pamela had a weird side too and often during her sessions would try to find some secret or other about her patient.
Oh in the beginning it had been just a harmless exercise; a means of testing the level of hypnosis of her patients but lately she had seen an opportunity to indulge in her wildest fantasises using this information and had contemplated putting her own suggestions into the patients subconscious.
So it was this idea which sprang to Pamela's mind when she took the call from Janice asking to make an appointment for treatment. The day and the time were quickly set and unusually for this type of treatment Pamela had insisted that Janice take the last appointment of the day; not only that but it was for a full two hours. Pamela argued that it was in order to get the background details before the treatment commenced and not knowing any better Janice believed her totally.
The next shock for Janice happened when she went to the address given her by Pamela; for instead of a clinic type building it was a luxury apartment. She entered the foyer and took the lift to the seventh floor and found the flat number. Hesitantly she paused before pressing the bell and then shaking herself slightly she rang the bell and waited. A woman in a white lab coat answered the door and invited Janice in.
Stepping inside Janice looked around before bringing her eyes back to the woman standing before her. This woman introduced herself as Pamela Jones and held out a well manicured hand; shaking her hand Janice managed to mumble that she was Janice Crowley. Janice mentally scanned the woman as being five foot ten or eleven tall; around 160 lbs but not noticeably overweight and with medium sized breasts; her appearance was well tailored and neat.
Leading Janice through from the hall; Pamela showed her into a well lit living room which was well furnished and towards the back wall was an oak desk beside a typical psychiatrist's couch. Inviting Janice to remove her coat and then take the seat in front of the desk Pamela immediately sat behind it. Janice removed her coat and then looking round she could not find anywhere to hang the coat so she turned back to Pamela just as she swore she saw Pamela lick her lips suggestively. Pamela simply pointed to the sofa halfway across the living room and told Janice to pop her coat on the back of that. Janice felt Pamela's eyes boring into her back as she walked over to the sofa and on the way back she was certain that Pamela's eyes never left her large breasts as they swayed as she walked back.
Now taking her seat opposite Pamela, the session began in earnest. After taking a brief history of when the headaches started and where about on her head did she feel the most pain from her headache; Janice found herself answering much more personal questions. She was asked if she was married and having said she was; Pamela asked if the relationship between her and her husband was good or were there underlying problems. Janice defended her marriage resolutely saying her husband was a good man and their relationship was as good now as when they had wed twelve years ago.
Once more Janice was shocked when Pamela turned and asked and what about their relations; immediately Janice said that she was an only child and her parents were no longer around; as for Bob her husband he had two brothers older than he but never saw them anymore. Pamela suddenly laughed and said "no I did not mean kinfolk relations I meant sexual relations; my dear?"
Janice blushed before answering; Oh well you know how it is; after twelve years the flush of youth has gone and it becomes much more routine than spontaneous. Pamela simply nodded her head before continuing; do you masturbate and if so how often. Blushing an even deeper shade of red Janice declared; no I do not do any of that kind of thing!
Pamela explained that it was quite normal for women; especially long term married women to sometimes feel the need to relieve a persistent itch when as you say sex has become stale and routine. Janice instantly replied that I never said sex was stale with my husband; I admitted we did not go at it like rabbits every night but when we did make love it was good and I could not complain.
"Ah; so you would like to complain sometimes then!" challenged Pamela.
"No I did not say that I wanted to complain it's just that sometimes I was ready for it and Bob was too tired or he wanted something I am not keen on that's all; aren't all marriages like that?" Janice responded.
Pamela sensing she was alienating Janice; changed tact and asked Janice to describe her favourite sexual clothes; a confused Janice asked why and seemed satisfied with the response that she was complaining of headaches which normal tablets were not moving so maybe the problem was not so much a pain as a mental stress and the next sets of questions were to give Pamela a better idea of what things released the endorphins which relieved the stresses.
A rather embarrassed Janice began, "My favourite sexy clothes are a short tennis skirt with light white full panties below and a semi transparent bra and blouse to finish it off!"
"What about your husband's favourite bedroom wear for you to put on?" asked Pamela.
"Well I suppose nowadays it would be something he can quickly get me out of!" Janice answered without thinking.
"Ok so let me get this straight; you are telling me that he wants the sex over and done with quickly and so he prefers you to wear something easy to remove or nothing at all!" Pamela probed.
"Well yes in a way! But no not really. Oh I don't know I never thought about it that way!" a flustered Janice responded.
"When was the last time you two role played and he had to seduce you all over again?" Pamela asked.
"Well that would have been about fourteen years ago when we began courting!" Janice answered.
"Now about your usual sexual acts; what would you describe as the wildest thing he has ever done to you?" Pamela quizzed.
Blushing once more Janice began to reply, "Well a few years ago now he took me out in the car and found a wooded area and we made love under the stars?"
"How did you feel about that?" Pamela asked.
"Exhilarated; just the thought of being seen or worse made my body feel so alive!" she confessed
"Now a last couple of questions; and then we can begin to sort out your problem; although I must tell you now that this is going to be a fairly long process; may be ten or twelve visits!" Pamela confessed.
Janice simply nodded and nervously shifted in her seat.
"Right; how often have you instigated the sexual act with your husband?" Pamela enquired
"Oh God never; my husband told me on our wedding night that he was the boss and has remained so ever since!" Janice confided.
"Has he ever fucked you up the arse; cum over your face and tits or even pissed over you?" Pamela asked stressing the sexual words like fucked. As she did so she noted that not only did Janice blush more and more but also her nipples where getting harder too.
"Why are you talking like that?" asked Janice.
Now standing up Pamela slowly walked around the desk and sitting with her arse half on and half off the edge of the desk she parted her legs and made sure her skirt rode up her thighs almost threatening to flash her panties; before leaning forward she said in a low sultry voice;" because I wanted to observe your large nipples which during our chat have grown and stiffened indicating to me that no matter how much you protest at being outraged you're also becoming turned on!"
Janice could not resist looking at the parted thighs of Pamela and wondering if this woman was wearing panties; then in an instant she shook her head and returned full concentration to what was happening right now. "I am not used to language like that so obviously it would have a detrimental effect on my appearance!" she protested.
"Then answer the question and we can move on?" Suggested Pamela.
"What question?" asked Janice.
"Has he ever fucked you up the arse; cum over your face and tits or even pissed over you?" Pamela repeated.
"Well again just after we were married he tried to fuck me there but it was too painful so he stopped and because of that he did make his thingy shoot over my face and told me to lick it clean but he has never urinated on me ever!" She defended.
"No Janice tell me properly!" demanded Pamela.
"What!" shrieked Janice.
"Tell me in your own voice that he tried to fuck you up the arse when you were just married!" hinted Pamela.
"About a month after our wedding; Bob, that's my husband, told me he wanted to try something different and suggested anal sex; being naive I agreed but as he started to push his thing!" she said
Suddenly she was interrupted by Pamela, "You mean his prick; cock, dick!" she declared, "use its name don't call it a thingy!"
"He started to push his cock up my arse and the pain was unbearable so crying I begged him to stop and he did just that!" an embarrassed Janice recounted.
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