Twisted Dreams
by niteowluk99
Copyright© 2010 by niteowluk99
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa, Fa/Fa, mt/mt, NonConsensual, Hypnosis, Lesbian, Heterosexual, Fiction, Zoophilia, Furry, Slut Wife, Wimp Husband, Cuckold, Wife Watching, Group Sex, First, Oral Sex, Anal Sex, Masturbation, Petting, Sex Toys, Water Sports, Exhibitionism,
Erotica Sex Story: A married woman experiencing severe headaches which tablets won't shift seeks alternative therapy in the form of hypnosis and then begins having dreams of making love to a young female; which is extremely unusual for her because women never normally entered her head sexually; unaware of the young female who hypnotised her is trying to plant the seeds of her twisted fantasy in the married woman's mind.
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