The Making of a Fighter Pilot's Whore
Copyright© 2010 by MuffDiver
Chapter 8: Moving On
Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 8: Moving On - This the story of my life with my wife who started out as a normal, loving, air force wife and mother and ended up today as a world class whore as one of the top high priced call girls in the Washington DC metro area.
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Consensual Romantic Drunk/Drugged BiSexual Heterosexual True Story Cheating Slut Wife Cuckold Wife Watching Incest Mother Son Swinging Oral Sex Anal Sex Masturbation Squirting Cream Pie Voyeurism Slow Prostitution Military
When the squadron moved to Texas in October, Lydia, the kids, and I moved to The Dallas-Ft Worth area where I was to enter an 18 month masters program in January at one of the universities in the DFW metropolitan area. We found a place to live and used the three months before the new semester began to become acquainted with the area. We were moving on and looked forward to new adventures and challenges.
In December I mailed the sex tapes to Norm as a Christmas gift and didn't even try and make them look like they were coming from a concerned 'anonymous' friend like I had initially planned to do. I really didn't care anymore how they affected him. He just wasn't worth any more of my time and energy. I just included a little note that said, "Merry Christmas Norm. Thought you might like to know what kind of a slut whore your wife is and what she really thinks of you. Your friend and pal, Dan."
My main concern was focusing on my obsession with wanting to watch Lydia fuck and suck other men because it was beginning to have an affect on the quality of Lydia's and my sex life. She wasn't making any progress in fixing that problem like she said she could. Her tactics revolved around trying to be more 'spontaneous' and inventive with our sex play. She would approach me at odd times during the day like when I was studying and start stroking my cock and would beg me to fuck her right then and there on the floor or on the table.
She also started training herself to be a good cock sucker and did things like meeting me at the door when I got home from class and would then drop to her knees and pull out my cock to give me a blow job declaring how hungry she was for my cock. She must have been doing research on how to be a good cock sucker because her technique really improved dramatically. And she even began to develop a taste, or at least a tolerance for my cumming in her mouth, although I could tell that she still had an aversion to swallowing it and only did it on the few occasions when I was able to generate more cum than she could comfortably hold in her mouth and some of it would slip down her throat.
We had settled down into a comfortable routine and we thought we had put all the events surrounding that night that I caught Lydia and Norm fucking each other in Chrissies room behind us, or so we thought. But one day in early March I came home from classes late in the afternoon and Lydia said that she had a very interesting day. That morning she had received a phone call from Gretchen Parson. Tom was one of my squadron mates and he and Gretchen had been our duplex neighbors when we were in the squadron.
Gretchen told her that Norm and Beth were getting a very messy divorce. Evidently someone had sent Norm a Christmas present of a bunch of tape recordings of Beth having phone sex with some guy and talking about how much she loved fucking and sucking him whenever Norm was deployed. Well Norm got so angry and drunk one night when he confronted her with the evidence that he knocked her around a bit and ended up breaking her nose and giving her a big black eye. It was nothing really very serious but Beth went to the base hospital anyway for treatment telling the medics that her husband had been drunk and pushed her around a little.
Of course the hospital medics had to make a report of the incident and in the next couple of days the rumors were flying all over the base. Beth filed assault charges on Norm and he was arrested, booked, and released and was going to be court martialed. He was probably going to be kicked out of the Air Force, but at the very least his career was totally ruined. Beth sued for divorce alleging cruelty, abuse, and infidelity by Norm and Norm countersued alleging Beth was unfaithful based on the phone tape evidence.
Gretchen thought that Lydia would want to know what had happened to that dirt bag Norm and then she asked her if she had any idea who Beth had been fucking. Lydia told her that she had not heard of the problems between Norm and Beth and had no idea who Beth might have been fucking, but that she was very sorry to hear about the way Beth was treated by Norm because Beth was the other innocent party in the whole mess besides me and did not deserve to be hurt the way Norm was hurting her. But then Lydia told me that she had her whole point of view changed later in the day when she received a package in the afternoon mail.
The package contained copies of four phone tapes that Beth had sent to Lydia with a note that said, 'Lydia, I hope you will find these tapes enlightening and make you understand that your husband is just as big, if not a worse lying, two-timing, son of a bitch than my Norm. Please listen carefully about what he really thinks of you, you sanctimonious, self-righteous bitch whore. Fuck you. Beth." There were four tapes of me and Beth having phone sex where I was very explicit in describing how Beth was a much better cock sucker, fucker, and all around piece of ass than Lydia ever thought about being and that Lydia could no longer satisfy me enough to make me have an orgasm and that I preferred to beat off than to fuck Lydia.
My heart froze because I was sure that Lydia would think that I was no different than that sleaze bag Norm and that everything that was now right between us would be destroyed for good. And I thought that that bitch, Beth, was just as devious and conniving as I had been and was using me to nail Lydia for fucking Norm just as I had used her to get even with Norm for fucking Lydia. I looked at Lydia and I was afraid to open my mouth, but I screwed up my nerve and said,
"I'm the one that made those tapes baby and I'm also the one that was screwing Beth, but she didn't mean a thing to me. I know what you must be thinking but please, please let me explain and don't say anything until you've heard me out. I was so damn proud of the way you stood up for me and put those guys in their place that day during the squadron meeting. You had the courage to stand up to those prima donnas and make them see themselves for the shallow, thin skinned, hypocrites that they were, including me, with our double standard rules of conduct for wives and fighter pilots. I should have been the one to make that speech on your behalf, instead you did it for me."
"But as much as I was proud of you for being my strong, proud wife, I knew that it could not substitute for my taking personal satisfaction from Norm and personally hurting him the way he hurt me by both violating you, and awakening in me an unspeakable obsession that I never knew I was capable of that made me feel like I was a sick pervert. I had to do something to redeem myself as a man and recover my self-respect. The only thing that I could think of was doing to his wife the same thing that he did to mine."
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