Finding Bathsheba: Book 2 - Cover

Finding Bathsheba: Book 2

Copyright© 2010 by Jonas

Chapter 7

Drama Sex Story: Chapter 7 - Jack, Abigail and Allison have faced an uphill battle, but as they embark on the next phase of their lives, will things be any easier? Jack must look to establish his family out west, even while their family and friends face drama--and danger--back home.

Caution: This Drama Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Mult   Consensual   Romantic   Rape   Drunk/Drugged   Lesbian   BiSexual   Incest   Sister   InLaws   Spanking   Rough   Gang Bang   Polygamy/Polyamory   Interracial   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Sex Toys   Cream Pie   Voyeurism   Slow   Violence  

"Read chapter four and come prepared ready to present your marketing project idea to the class. You may want your groups to meet before Friday so you are ready to facilitate a class discussion. Any questions?"

Jack waited for a couple of seconds, but no one raised a hand. He smiled.

"Have a good night, but not TOO good."

That drew a few snickers. As the students gathered their things, the door at the rear of the room opened and Dr. Weiss, Jack's advisor, stepped in. He quickly stepped aside as students began to file past.

"Well, Teach, you ready to run some more?" Seth Davis stepped into Jack's line of sight.

Jack grimaced, remembering his previous attempt to play basketball with Seth and his friends. "You mean you actually want me to come back? I played like an old man."

"You ARE an old man. Besides, it was fun winning as often as I did."

"Even if it was at the expense of someone as decrepit as me?"

Seth, who at 20, was only a few years younger than Jack, gave him a hurtful look and patted him on the shoulder. Then he grinned.

"Yep. Besides, you didn't play THAT bad. You just looked a little rusty, that's all."

"Yeah, well, I hurt like hell for the next three days. I used muscles I forgot I even had."

"All the more reason for you to get back on the blacktop. Com'on, Friday morning, 11:30."

Jack gave him a half-smile. "Sure, I'll be there. You better watch out though. Once I get my legs back under me, I'm going to kick your ass."

"You're on."

Dr. Weiss stepped up to the pair.

"Later, Teach," Seth said. He gave the older man a brief glance as he left.

"Hello, Dr. Weiss," Jack said. He began to gather his papers. "What brings you out for a visit this fine afternoon?"

The older man reached down and casually thumbed through Jack's textbook which was sitting open on the podium. He looked up at Jack and smiled.

"Well, Jack, I wanted to observe you again, but I got hung up in a lengthy meeting. Needless to say, I still wanted to swing by and see how things were going from your perspective."

"Things are going well. I think I'm presenting the material in an adequate way. The students seem interested, at least most of them, and based on their work, they seem to be grasping the concepts."

"Good, good," Dr. Weiss said, though he seemed somewhat distracted. "Truthfully, my first observations were that you were a natural at the front of a classroom, so I really don't have any real concerns. There are rules, however, that dictate that I observe and mentor you on a regular basis, so..."

When his words petered out, Jack hesitated before filling the silence.

"Sooo... , is there anything you'd like me to work on?"

"Hmm? Oh, um, no. Actually, I wanted to give you this." He held out a folded piece of paper.

Jack raised an eyebrow as he took it. Dr. Weiss waited for Jack to open the paper before continuing.

"Dr. Jim Franklin is one of our interdisciplinary professors. He has a PhD in International Business, and another in Criminology. His expertise is forensic accounting. That's his contact information, as well as his office number, and his normal office hours."

Jack looked at the name, then back to his advisor. Dr. Weiss read the confusion on his face.

"He's your new advisor, Jack. Starting tomorrow, after you meet with him, of course."

Jack's other eyebrow rose in a mirror image of the first. "New advisor?"

"That's what my meeting a bit ago was about. It appears as though Dr. Franklin will be a better fit for you."

"Wait. Why would he be a better fit? My focus is marketing."

Dr. Weiss gave Jack a long look before responding. "It was determined that your skill set is better matched with Jim. This means a change in your focus, of course."

Jack took a deep breath. "Dr. Weiss, I've thought long and hard about what I wanted to focus on. I want to do international marketing. I tossed around other ideas, but this is the one I kept coming back to."

"I understand that, Jack. All I ask is for you to try to get with Dr. Franklin sometime tomorrow and hear him out. Then you can decide if you want to continue on your current track, or if you are interested in making the change. You would continue your assistantship with me through the end of the spring term, regardless of the decision you make."

Jack wanted to tell him no. He didn't like being out of control of his own education. Still, what would be the harm in just listening? He sighed.

"Sure, I'll listen. I have a couple of questions, though, if you don't mind."

"I'll answer if I can."

"Who recommended the change?"

"Dr. Franklin suggested the change, but it was discussed with several others before a recommendation was made."

"How did he hear about me?"

Dr. Weiss hesitated for just a second, but it was long enough to pique Jack's curiosity.

"As I mentioned, we often discuss things as a department."

Jack noted that the professor didn't really answer the question. Why were they discussing Jack, anyway? Before he could comment, though, Dr. Weiss glanced towards the door. "I should let you go so you can get home. I'm sure any other questions you have can be answered by Dr. Franklin."

Jack nodded and smiled. He'd reserve judgment until he had all the information after meeting Dr. Franklin.

"Thanks, Dr. Weiss, for taking such an interest in my education."

"It's a pleasure, Jack. You have a good evening."

Jack watched his advisor leave. After making sure he had all of his things, he also left the classroom. As he walked through the halls, his mind jumped tracks to the events getting ready to come. Abigail was meeting him so they could drive together to Allison's first soccer game at some high school north of Seattle. Then they were heading back home for a nice candlelit dinner to celebrate Allison's 17th birthday. He stepped out into the late afternoon sun and immediately saw his beautiful wife sitting on a bench a short distance away.

She wasn't alone. Her companion must have said something funny, because Abigail threw her head back and laughed. The sight of her happy face filled Jack with love. She was never more beautiful than when she was happy and laughing. He bounded down the steps and drew close to her.

"Oh, here's my husband now," she said, as she stood up and shouldered her purse.

Seth, who had been chatting her up, turned around. His eyes got wide.

"This old man is your husband? Well, I'll be damned."

"You flirting with my wife, Seth?" Jack teased.

"Sure. A beautiful woman, sitting alone on a college campus, why wouldn't I flirt?"

Abigail had an amused expression. "You two know each other, I presume?"

"Seth is the one who tried to make torture sound like basketball."

"Ohhhh," she said, knowingly. She turned to Seth. "Good for you. He needs the exercise."

"First Seth and now you? My God, I get no respect."

Seth smiled. "Win a game, and then I'll respect you."

"Keep jawing, Davis, keep jawing."

Seth shook his head. He looked at Abigail for a second before looking back at Jack. "I had no idea she was your wife, Teach. If her husband had been any other man, I'd still be laying on the charm. Seeing as she belongs to you, I'll relent. How's that for respect?"

Jack playfully punched the younger man in the arm. "I'll take what I can get."

Seth turned back to Abigail, took her hand, and in a feigned whisper said, "If he ever comes up short in the husband department and you're ready for a change, just look me up." He kissed the back of her hand. "Though, knowing him, I think I'm out of luck."

Abigail winked at Jack. "I thought he was done with the charm."

"Can't be helped, I'm just a natural."

Jack rolled his eyes. "Natural brownnoser is more like it."

Seth hoisted his backpack over his shoulder and smiled innocently. "You two have a good evening." He waggled his eyebrows at Jack. "Not TOO good, though."

Jack and Abigail watched him walk away.

"Nice guy," Abigail said.

Jack kissed Abigail warmly and then put his arm around her as they turned and walked towards the parking lot. "Yeah, he is. Good student, too, from the looks of it. By the way, we're going to play ball again on Friday."

Abigail poked him in the ribs. "Good. You're getting soft, and you still need to be able to keep up with me and Allie."

They walked in companionable silence for a bit, as Jack's mind wandered back over his conversation with Dr. Weiss.

"You know what?" Abigail asked, pulling him from his thoughts.


"Remember that guy who flirted with me last spring when I was scoping out the campus for you?"


"That's him."


"Seth. He's the guy."

Jack looked behind them, even though Seth was long gone.

"Really? What are the chances?"

"Slim, but it's a small world."

"Guess so." Jack took Abigail by the hand and started walking faster. "Come on, wife of mine. Let's get some food before I pass out from hunger."

Allison raced towards the sideline, her eyes focused on the ball, but her mind cognizant of the action around her. A Royals' forward was closing in on the ball. She kept glancing past Allison towards her teammate that Allison was sure was moving into the zone between Erin and Jenna, Allison's two teammates who made up the left center of their defense. Allison counted on them to play their spots, so she kicked it up another gear. The Wolverine sideline erupted in encouragement for Allison. The two opponents converged on the ball, but Allison reached it a step sooner. She hooked her leg and caught the ball hard with her laces, sending the ball curving back towards midfield just as the forward kicked. The other girl's cleats caught Allison at the top of her calf muscle just as she tried to turn out of her run.

Allison winced at the pain.

'That'll leave a bruise, ' she thought.

The girl was already gone, heading back down the field. Allison trotted after her, watching as Tiffany, Allison's midfielder, fielded her kick and moved it ahead towards the attacking line.

"Nice one!" Erin yelled from 10 yards away, before moving further towards the center of her zone.

Allison turned her eyes up field and let the cheering of her teammates on the sidelines wash over her.

Bellevue High was up 2-1 over Lynnwood, but Lynnwood was threatening repeatedly. They'd spent considerable more time on the Wolverines' defensive end, much to Coach Baldwin's chagrin, but the work of their defensive line kept the shots on goal down.

The game was drawing to a close, only a few minutes left, when the Royals' crowd erupted as the ball shot past midfield and into the path of one of their attackers. Jenna kept her position, blocking the passing lane, forcing the forward to keep the ball and sending her directly at Erin. No Royals were in Allison's zone, so she drifted to protect Erin's back side, should the forward get around her. Allison saw Jenna leave her spot and collapse on the forward.

"No!" Allison yelled. Jenna's move opened up a huge hole in the middle of the line. No doubt she thought she could reach the attacker before she could do anything with the ball. Allison read the play and sprinted out of her zone towards the middle of the defense, but instead of heading towards Jenna's vacated spot, she skirted the penalty box.

Unfortunately, a second forward from the far side noticed the hole, as well, and moved into position just as the first forward kicked the ball past Jenna. The second forward received the ball at a dead sprint, her eyes focused on the goalie. Allison was only steps away. The forward juked and Allison's goalie bit on the fake. Allison slid just as the forward reared back to kick. Allison's foot hit the ball before the attacker's, sending the ball careening right to her center-back on the opposite side of the line. The forward's foot connected with Allison shin guard instead, and she stumbled over Allison. Allison watched as her center-back cleared the ball back to the other side of the field.

Allison lifted herself off the ground and started back towards her zone. The whistle sounded and her sideline erupted into cheers again.

Allison bent over and rested her hands on her knees, trying to catch her breath.

"Where did you even come from?"

Allison looked up at the forward and shrugged.

"I was sure I had a clear shot." She shook her head and trotted back to her side of the field.

"Damn, that was AWESOME!" said Mandy, Allison's goalie, as she jogged towards her.

Erin and Jenna also drew close to Allison, as the rest of team jogged in their direction.

"Great save!" Erin said, patting Allison on the shoulder.

"Thanks," Allison said to her teammates.

Jenna moved into Allison's view. She was smiling.

"Yeah, great save. Saved my ass, too. I thought for sure I could get there first." She reached her hand forward. "Right now, I'm REALLY glad to have you on the team."

Coach Baldwin reached the huddle. "OK, girls! Nice game. Go shake hands and then gather round. Good save, Garner."

Several other teammates echoed the sentiments. Allison couldn't help but smile.

Five minutes later, she was heading slowly towards the sidelines with Erin and Mandy. She saw Jack and Abigail waiting for her. Allison veered towards them.

"Where're you going?" Erin asked.

Allison nodded toward her lovers. "My sister and brother-in-law."

Erin waved at the pair. "Well, hurry up. The sooner we shower and get back to Bellevue, the sooner we can celebrate."

Allison hesitated. "Yeah, I'll catch up."

"Good," Mandy said. "The first win of the season is always a big party. You'll love it."

"Oh, um, I can't come to the party. I'm going out to dinner with Jack and Abbie."

"Come on. You can go out to dinner with them any time."

Allison faced a conundrum. She'd wanted a social life all semester, and now when the opportunity arose, she was turning it down. She had a fleeting thought that Jack and Abigail would understand if she wanted to go with her teammates, but then one look at their smiling faces reminded her that no matter how good or bad she played during a game, they were the ones that would always be there for her.

She smiled at Erin and Mandy. "Thanks for the invite, but it's my birthday dinner, so it's kind of special."

"Your birthday?" Erin asked. "Why didn't you say something?"

Allison shrugged.

Erin smiled. "Oh, well, happy birthday. See you in the locker room."

Allison watched as her teammate jogged away, then turned and walked slowly towards her lovers.

"Hey, Superstar," Abigail said with a smile, which quickly turn into a frown when she saw Allison's long face. "What's wrong, Allie?"

Allison didn't know how to express what she was feeling, so she pasted a smile on her face. "Nothing. Good game, huh?"

Jack shrugged. "Not bad for a sport where two points wins." He grunted when Abigail smacked his arm. "Actually, those two saves of yours, especially that last one, were incredible. Your goalie looked pretty impressive, too, especially for the first game of the season, though with you five defenders in front of the goal, your net could have been empty and the score wouldn't have been much better. That said, your offense was weak, though I guess you can chalk that up to youth and inexperience. Your team defense will get you a ton of wins, but without a better attack, you'll be vulnerable against the good teams."

Allison stared at Jack, shocked at his rapid fire assessment of the game. Jack hadn't played organized sports when he was growing up, but he loved to play casually. What impressed her most was the succinctness and thoroughness of his analysis.

"Um, wow," Allison stammered.

Jack put his arm around Allison's shoulders. "OK, enough about the game. Tell us what's wrong, and if you say nothing again, then you have to shower by yourself when we get home."

Allison sighed. "It's my teammates."

"What about them?" Abigail asked, as she took Allison's hand. "Same issues as before?"

Allison nodded, but said nothing. As her lovers touched her affectionately, she was acutely aware of her sweaty, dirty physical state.

"They seemed particularly friendly just now," Abigail said.

"That's just it. They were, but it was like they were only being nice to me because of what I did on the field. Why couldn't they have been nicer from the beginning? It just seems pretty shallow."

Allison toyed with telling Abigail and Jack about the invitation to go out with the girls, but decided it was a moot point.

Abigail smiled warmly at Allison. She brushed a sweaty wisp of hair out of the younger girl's face.

"Don't be too hard on them. You were a stranger to them at the beginning, just as they were to you. Sometimes it takes something like saving a game for people to break through their barriers."

"I guess. I don't know, maybe I'm just being whiny and full of self-pity."

"Hey, don't be too hard on yourself. You feel alone, like you don't fit in. Just give it time. Wouldn't you rather take a little longer and find a few true friends, than just settle for a lot of superficial ones? Consider this a step in the right direction."

Jack chuckled. "I just thought of something, Abbie. You should be a social worker."

Allison couldn't help but smile, since Abigail's college degree WAS in social work. Abigail rolled her eyes.

"Ha, ha. Very funny, Buster."

"Allison thought so."

Allison slipped her arm around Jack's waist and hugged him. "Thanks, guys. I actually feel better already." She pulled free from him. "Let me go grab my stuff from the locker room."

"Are you sure it's OK with your coach?" Jack asked.

"He grumbled a bit, but when I told him it was my birthday, he gave in."

Abigail squeezed Allison's hand. "Maybe you should ride with the team, you know, to build on your small success."

"Nah," Allison said, "I'm going with you guys."

"Won't it isolate you even more?"

Allison hesitated. Abigail was right. Not what she was saying now, but what she had said so many times before.

"You know what? I don't really care. I need to please me first, and right now, I'd rather be with you guys. Besides, there will be LOTS of bus trips in the future." She kissed Abigail on the cheek. "Be back in a bit."

"Oh, God, that feels amazing."

Allison was leaning forward in the tub, her body pressed back against Jack's crotch. His cock was erect enough that she felt it's hardness against the top of her crack and her lower back. He worked his fingers firmly into the flesh of her shoulders and upper back. His legs ran along the sides of the tub, and were entwined with Abigail's, who was leaning against the opposite end of the tub and massaging Allison's tired feet. The tub was small and cramped, their knees poking out of the water to accommodate all of them, but Allison wouldn't have it any other way.

Allison winced when Jack's fingers dug into a particularly sore spot, but she sighed as the pain gave way to warm pleasure.

"I love you guys. You're the best."

Her head drooped forward, her wet hair hanging in strings around her face. She let the waves of contentment carry her where they chose.

"I don't know about Abigail, but I'm not as great as you think. I have an entirely selfish agenda here."

"Mmm ... I don't care. Just keep doing what you're doing and I'll do and be whatever you want."

"Even my little sex toy?"

Allison shivered at his words as a sudden heat coursed through her. Even though she knew he was teasing, the fantasy of being at his sexual disposal was arousing. Her nipples crinkled at the thought.

"I think she likes that," Abigail laughed.

Allison looked up enough to see Abigail through her hair. Her older sister had a wicked grin on her face. Allison shivered again. Her two lovers knew exactly which buttons to push. She was devoted to them even without the sex, but WITH the sex, she was completely and utterly a slave to their whims. That they would never hurt her, let her fantasize along those lines without worry.

"I think it's time to massage some hard to reach places," Jack said. "Turn around, Allie, and let Abbie be your pillow."

Allison moved languidly in the water, not caring that her motion splashed water over the side of the tub. She groaned as her weak limbs turned her body, then she sighed happily as she settled back between Abigail's legs. Abigail's large, soft breasts provided the perfect pillows for her, even with her hard nipples pressed into Allison's back. Allison lay her head on Abigail's shoulder, and Abigail kissed her cheek as she reached around to cup Allison's breasts.

"How long did you say Analise was going to be gone?" Allison asked. Her eyes were lidded as she watched Jack push his muscular frame from the water so he could get on his knees.

Abigail continued to give Allison's face sweet, little kisses.

"Until tomorrow evening. The funeral is in the late morning, and they'll leave after the family dinner."

Deb Smith's grandmother had passed away in Ellensburg, a town over the mountains to the east. As a show of support, Analise offered to accompany her. The two ladies had fast developed a friendship, and were often going one place or another, usually with Josh in tow. Allison worried a bit, because the many evening outings left Tanner home alone. Allison and Abigail often invited him to dinner, but since the altercation in the hall at school, he'd turned them down. For obvious reasons, Tanner went with Deb, Analise, and Josh to the funeral.

Allison shuddered when Abigail began to flick her nipples. A little moan escaped her lips as her older sister pinched and pulled on them. The heat in Allison's pussy rose.

"Slide down a bit," Jack requested.

Allison opened her eyes again to see Jack hovering over her a bit. She complied with his request, slipping until her head rested between Abigail's creamy breasts. Jack helped by grabbing Allison by the hips and pulling them towards him. She yelped when he lifted her ass up and pulled her onto his muscular thighs. Her head was now resting on Abigail's belly, and Allison could look up at the undersides of her heavy breasts. She reached up and tweaked Abigail's nipples, which made Abigail gasp.

Jack was back on his haunches now, and Allison felt her hips rise higher as he wedged his knees and thighs further under her. He was effectively supporting the entire weight of her lower body on his legs. With her upper body resting on Abigail, only her feet and her belly were completely submerged beneath the water. Warm water lapping the sides of her ass and breasts only added to the sensation of floating.

Jack's fingers pressed against Allison's slit, which sent a pulse of pleasure through her. She moaned when his fingers sank into her. They slid in easily as her body responded naturally to the stimulation. Jack's fingers slowly stroked the walls of her pussy for a few minutes, drawing repeated moans from her. Abigail continued to knead her breasts and play with her turgid nipples.

When Jack's fingers pulled out of her, Allison whimpered at the loss, but almost immediately a new pressure was there. Jack held Allison's hips as he pressed his cock head into her hot pussy.

Allison hissed as Jack inched into her in one slow, fluid, motion. He stopped once his pubic hairs tickled her labia. She reveled in the feeling of his thick erection filling her, and she flexed the various muscles of her pussy, gripping and releasing him repeatedly.

After a minute or so, he ground his pelvis against hers for a second before beginning a slow withdrawal, then repeated the cycle. Allison's eyes opened wide during the first few thrusts, as his hard cock massaged the sensitive spot on the top wall of her vagina. The angle, however, wasn't enough to stimulate her clit, so while it was extremely pleasurable, it would likely take a long time for her to come.

Jack could only make short thrusts, but the position held him deep inside her. Abigail's hands were busy caressing all the parts of Allison they could reach. The coupling was unique and intimate, and she was sandwiched between her lovers in an unhurried sensual act of lovemaking.

The sounds of Jack's heavy breathing increased in speed, as did the liquid sounds of his cock filling her so full. Her arousal rose to a plateau, and she began gyrating her hips, trying to carry herself higher so she could crest. The orgasm remained elusive, and before long she began bucking her hips at Jack's pumping torso, but Jack's hands held fast to her hips, impeding her movement. She reached down to rub her clit, but Jack slapped her hand away. She tried again, but he denied her again.

She finally cried out in frustration. She opened her eyes and looked up at Jack.

"What are you doing?" she pouted. "Please, I need to come so bad I'm going crazy."

Jack continued his steady pace. His red face showed both his exertion and what Allison assumed was the intense strain of him holding back his own orgasm.

"Tonight ... you don't do any ... of the work," he panted. "No one ... should have to ... work ... on their birthday."

She cried out again as she tried unsuccessfully to roll her hips up to meet his body. "But I need to come! Oh, God, I need it so bad!"

Abigail squeezed both of Allison's nipples, which made her cry out in unrequited passion again.

"We'll take care of it, Allie," she whispered.

At those words, she began pulling and twisting roughly on Allison's nipples. Allison winced and groaned at the painful pleasure. Abigail released one breast and leaned forward a bit, her breasts falling to cover Allison's face. She continued to assault Allison's other nipple. When fingers—Abigail's, probably—pressed firmly on Allison's clit, she began to shudder. Suddenly, the stiff fingers were a frantic blur across Allison's clit and within seconds, intense pleasure crashed over her and she crested.

"Oooh, GAWD!" she screamed, as her body convulsed into orgasm.

Spikes of pleasure shot out from her breast and her clit. Her cunt clasped Jack's relentless cock.

"Ungh!" Jack grunted, as he surged hard into her, and when she felt his body jerk and his cock throb inside her, her retreating orgasm rose again to join his.

"Oh God ... oh God ... oh God... ," Allison chanted, each time Abigail's fingers brushed her sensitive bud.

Allison continued to spasm until Abigail's hand slowed to a stop. Little aftershocks pulsed through her as Jack slowed his movements, as well. Eventually, they were still, their panting breaths and the sloshing of the water the only sounds that remained.

With a groan, Jack pulled back, and Allison whimpered when his shrinking cock slipped from her pussy.

Abigail gave Allison another twist of her nipple, causing one final spasm in the younger girl.

"Happy birthday, Baby."

Jack meandered his way across campus, trying to enjoy the sights and sounds of college life on a warm sunny day. He'd just emerged from his Corporate Finance class, and try as he might, he couldn't get the stupid numbers to leave his conscious mind. He preferred to use the two hours between classes to decompress, unless he had studying to do. Or unexpected visits to professors he'd never met. This thought pushed financial calculations out of his head.

Dr. Franklin's office was his destination, one that he wasn't sure he really wanted to reach. He knew this visit would be a waste of time. Nothing the professor could say would change his mind on his degree focus. He was sure of it. Yet, Jack had a nagging feeling that there was more to this than just one professor thinking a common grad student should change his focus. Jack had good grades, but he wasn't extraordinary in any way. He worked hard, enjoyed learning, appreciated challenges, and participated actively in his classes. So did a lot of students. So why was Jack the topic of discussion among not only two professors, but if Dr. Weiss's words were any indication, among several others, as well?

"Dammit," Jack muttered to himself. "Decompress, Williams."

He looked around him as he walk, taking in the pulsing life of the campus. He appreciatively allowed his eyes to linger just a bit on the many coeds who graced his vision. He was never one to pass the opportunity to admire something beautiful. He's attention was drawn to a group of students kicking a soccer ball around. Images of Allison's incredible game the previous night returned to his mind, and that made him smile. Damn, she was good, in so many ways.

Eventually, he found himself entering the doors of Condon Hall. Minutes later, Jack stood outside the open door of Dr. Franklin's office. A large man sat behind the desk, typing on his computer keyboard. Jack raised his hand to knock.

"Come in, Mr. Williams, and have a seat," he said, before Jack could knock. He didn't look up from his work.

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