Annette - Cover


Copyright© 2009 by Kaffir

Chapter 29

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 29 - This is Part 3 of the Hoddinot Series. It follows Annette(Tig)from 14 years old to her early twenties as she struggles to come to terms with her father's earlier abuse of her.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   ft/ft   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   First   Oral Sex   Masturbation   Slow  

The party began to wind down. No one, except Annette, noticed anything different about Louise and Peter. They were all too busy laughing about the pantomime that Livvie, Sharon and Peter had caused and saying their goodbyes.

Annette slid up to the couple. She took Louise's free hand.


Louise nodded happily. Annette flung her arms round her. "Wonderful, wonderful!" she exulted in her ear. She disengaged and attacked Peter. "Thank you, thank you for making my best friend so happy," she said to him.

Peter kissed her. "I'm the happy one," he smiled.

"When are you going to tell everyone?"

"Not yet," said Louise. "Mum and Neil first and then Peter's parents."

"I left poor Mum hanging," said Peter.

Annette looked questioningly at him. "Tell you later," he said.

Annette nodded. She squeezed both their hands and left them to go back to Harry and saying farewell to people.

"I really ought to get back to Mum now," said Peter. Louise nodded and they moved back behind the herbaceous border again.

Peter rang home again. "Mum," he said. "Sorry to cut you off like that but I had to ask Louise to marry me."

There was a gasp at the end of the line. "So she's 'du gwraig' to be."

"Yes, Mum. I'm sorry you hadn't met her first but I don't think it'll matter."

"Of course it won't, you silly boy. I'm so pleased for you, and your Da will be thrilled. Is she with you at the moment?"

"Yes, Mum."

"Can I have a word?"

"Of course, Mum, hang on." He passed the telephone to Louise. "She wants a word with you."

"Hello, Mrs Parsons," she said shyly.

"Hello, Louise. My name's Dilys. Thank you for making my boy so happy. I've heard quite a lot about you and can't wait to meet you."

"I'm looking forward to it too."

"When can we expect you?"

"Wednesday? I think we ought to spend a day or two here now so that my parents can get used to it."

There was a chuckle from the other end.

"I'd quite like to show him some of the sights too while we're here: Stonehenge and things."

"Yes, dear. I quite understand. I just hope we don't pop with excitement before you arrive."

It was Louise's turn to laugh. "Please don't," she said. "I'm not that exciting."

"We'll see. I can't wait to meet you though."

"Me too. I'll hand you back to Peter."

Peter and his mother talked for a few minutes and then he and Louise walked back to the house. Sharon met them at the French windows.

"There you are," she said. "We've been invited to stay for supper. Is that all right with you two?"

"Fine, Mum," answered Louise. She glanced at Peter who gave her an almost imperceptible nod. "Could you go and find Neil?"

Sharon looked questioningly at her, nodded and then bellowed over her shoulder, "Neil, I want you."

"Mum!" sputtered Louise. "Not in public!"

Sharon, quite unabashed roared with laughter. Neil appeared at her side.

"Ever ready," he said.

"Lou wants to tell us something."

"We're engaged."

Sharon and Neil's faces broke into huge smiles but, instead of embracing Peter and Louise, they hugged each other.

"Told yer, di'n' I?" crowed Sharon, her relapse into dialect indicating the depth of her emotions. She released Neil and hauled Louise into her arms.

"Oh, my pet. I'm so glad. I really, really am. I knew it would happen but didn't know when. Oh, Louise, my precious!" She hugged her tightly.

Neil shook Peter warmly by the hand and clapped him on the shoulder. "Congratulations," he said. "You've picked a winner and, even though I've only known you twenty-four hours, I reckon she has too."

"Thanks, Neil."

Sharon released Louise and wound herself round Peter. "As soon as I saw you I knew you were the one," she said. "And now I've got a grown up son as well as a three-year old one."

"Three and a half," said Peter.

Sharon laughed delightedly then tightened her hold and kissed him again. "I think you and your little brother will get on well," she said.

Neil drew Louise into his arms and kissed her lovingly. He patted her back gently. Neither said a word. There was no need.

The Hoddinots and Wilkinsons were in the kitchen washing up as Louise's entourage came in. Annette looked at her expectantly. Louise nodded.

"Have you got something to tell us, Lou?" Annette asked loudly. Everyone looked round from what they were doing.

"We're engaged." said Lou softly. There was a cheer. Annette reached her first, hugged and kissed her.

"Oh Lou, dearest Lou, I'm thrilled for you, my love."

The others followed. Annette turned to Peter and hugged him. "Well done," she said, "and thank you again. You'll never regret it. That's not a hope. It's a promise."

"Thanks, Tig," he replied kissing her.

That, of course kicked the party off again. Richard raced down to the pub for some champagne. Deborah wailed that she had not got any suitable food and was shushed by Annette and Sharon. Harry decided that Louise should dance and chanting, "Oom, Pah, Pah!" whirled her round the kitchen. Annette held Peter's hand.

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