Packing Clarissa's Genes - Cover

Packing Clarissa's Genes

Copyright© 2009 by Lubrican

Chapter 4

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 4 - When Bob brought some prototype marketing samples of his company's new miracle menopause drug home, he had no idea his niece would find them and think they were just candy. He also had no idea how they would affect her. Oh ... and his nephew got into them too. That's when things just got crazy.

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Consensual   Reluctant   Heterosexual   Incest   First   Oral Sex   Petting   Pregnancy  

They went to her bedroom. It wasn't an agreed on destination. Perhaps Clarissa gravitated toward that spot because it was where she felt most comfortable. Both of them were full of emotion and the excitement of experimentation and discovery. He took his pants off this time, not so much in an attempt to get naked, but so he wouldn't trip with them around his ankles. Then he felt stupid because he was wearing a shirt with no pants. He took his shirt off and then felt embarrassed because he was naked and his sister wasn't. Oddly, it was his own nudity that encouraged Clarissa to take her own clothes off.

She removed her shirt first, just watching her brother to see how he would react. It was most satisfying. He actually drooled as he stared at her naked breasts. He also made nonsense sounds, not even close to real words. Those sounds sent thrills through her body as the still unfamiliar feeling of being desired by a male coursed through her.

He'd already been fully erect when he disrobed. Now his hand came to his prick and began to stroke.

"Wait for me!" she panted.

In the next minute and a half, Clarissa learned, completely by accident, the power a woman has over a man as she slowly exposes her body to him. She took her pants off slowly, but not because she was trying to be sexy. She was just distracted by watching him play with his penis. His eyes followed the waistband of her pants, though, jumping up to her breasts again every two or three seconds. When she hooked her thumbs in her panties, he sucked in air and groaned. His eyes seemed to bug out as she pushed them down a little, and she realized, in that second, that she had been teasing him without even knowing it.

She discovered she loved teasing him. It made him flail at his prick.

"Wait for me!" she commanded, her voice low, and sultry.

"I can't!" he panted.

"Matt!" she barked, warning in her voice. She pulled her panties back up. His hand suddenly stopped and he sounded like he was choking. He jerked his hand away from his prick and it bobbed, settling at an angle that mimicked an anti-aircraft gun, searching for a target.

"OK. OK!" he groaned.

Again, she pushed her panties down slowly, watching his eyes and, suddenly, she couldn't move slowly any more. Quickly her panties were left in a puddle on the floor as she stepped out of them. Her hand went to her stomach and started to slide down. Her left foot moved outward.

Remembering the bed, she suddenly turned and crawled onto it, affording Matt a view of her pussy lips, peeking from between legs that were no longer bony looking. Those lips, while vertical, seemed to purse, like oral lips waiting to be kissed, and Matt licked his own lips unconsciously. His hand went back to his prick as if drawn by a strong magnet. He stared as she flopped onto her back, spreading her legs and reaching to feel for that special spot. Her head turned toward her brother.

"Is this good?" she asked, sliding her fingers between slippery pussy lips.

"Oh shit," he gasped. "Oh Rissa. I can't believe this!"

"Me either," she panted, beginning to rub her fingertips in circles. She couldn't seem to rub hard enough, at first, and then discovered the thrill of using just one fingertip to tease the little bump with a light touch. She alternated rubbing hard for a few seconds, and then teasing the organ gently.

It felt marvelous, but her mind sent her a memory of sitting on top of him, rubbing against what he had in his hand. It had been in his pants then, but had still made her feel like the top of her head was going to pop off. Feeling her slippery fingers sliding to and fro, she wondered what it would feel like to rub against him naked. Her brain said it would be fantastic ... SO fantastic that she stopped and sat up.

"Get on the bed!" she panted, getting to her knees and facing him.

"What?" His hand was moving along his stiff column of flesh again, uncovering and covering a knob that had taken on a purplish hue.

"Get on the bed!" she said again. She pointed to the space in front of her. "Right there. Lie down on your back!"


His mind was working on two levels. One of them had no idea what was going on and was confused and excited. The other said "Get on the motherfucking bed like she just told you to!" He moved and the feel of her hands helping him lie down beside her was like hot coals touching his body. Once he was down she lifted a knee and mounted him as if he were a pony, sitting on his thighs because his hand was in the way. She reached for his hand and batted it away from his cock.

Then she put her hands on his chest and slid her hips toward his head, sliding her dripping pussy lips over his balls and along the bottom of his stiff shaft. She leaned forward and let her arms take most of her upper body weight as she got light headed. It DID feel fantastic.

"Oh fuck!" he gasped excitedly. "Oh FUCK!"

She looked down to see strings of thick white erupting from the tip of his penis, shooting up onto his stomach. It made a mess and a small part of her brain acknowledged that the mess was on HIM this time, instead of on her. It was like she was suddenly on another planet, where strange and interesting things were happening all around her.

Remembering how slippery and warm his stuff had felt on her, she hunched her hips forward to get some of that warm slippery stuff on her pussy lips. Her pussy slipped over the head of his still spurting cock and smeared his issue. When she pushed backwards to find his hard shaft again, though, the tip of his cock caught in her virgin slot. Disaster - if that's the right word - was avoided because his shaft was already softening, and his cock bent double as she scooted back down. The tip was pulled out of her slit and the half hard thing straightened back out to lie, as if looking with one little eye at what it has just spurted.

For Clarissa, time seemed to slow down. It seemed like she could feel every square inch of her body, and every bit of it was howling with joy. Rubbing directly against his sexual organ was even better than she'd hoped it would be. It didn't matter that it was soft, and that it was a mess of white goo. All that mattered was that it rubbed her pussy in the most delightful way imaginable and she could feel that special pressure beginning to build. Now, though, she knew what was at the end of this delightful exercise, and her hips sped up as she strained to get there.

A new thing was introduced when his hands came up to mold around her breasts. They squeezed gently, in exploration, moving her breast mounds around on her chest. His fingertips found and experienced the feel of stiff nipples for the first time in his life. It was the first time in HER life too, and the electric surges as he pinched them gently jumped her much closer to what she now knew was her approaching orgasm.

"YES!" she gasped. "Squeeze them like that!"

Her hips became a blur as he mauled her nipples. Had they just been beginning their foreplay she would have complained that he squeezed too hard, but at this stage of the game, it was perfect. Her head tilted back and she drew in a huge lungful of air, only to let it out in an agonized groan as the dam burst inside her and the orgasm seemed to burn away every feeling except insane pleasure.

It went on and on until, suddenly, she had no strength left. She fell forward and her breasts took her whole upper body weight as his arms stiffened automatically to hold her up. Then, partly because his own build was so slight and it was hard to hold her up, and partly because he wanted to feel those soft breasts pressed against his chest, he let her sink down to lie on him. He hands moved, going to her back and he just slid them over her skin, marveling at the feel of a naked woman in his arms.

For Matt, the exercise had been almost enough to blow his mind. His own orgasm had been unexpected and explosive. Had he known what she was going to do, he was pretty sure it wouldn't have mattered. He was convinced there was no way to train for having a hot pussy rubbing against your prick for the first time. Already, though, his mind was adjusting. It had been amazing, but he was already looking forward ... to the next time ... when he was sure he'd be able to make it last a little longer.

He lay there, with her surprisingly heavy, but comfortable weight pressing him into the bed. Her skin felt so good under his hands, and her panting in his ear made him feel taller, somehow. He hadn't done all that much, but she'd still had a great time. Anybody could see that. But the best part was that she'd had that good time with HIM. And that made it unimaginably better for him too.

There was no talk this time. Being in an embrace like this made the whole episode different on levels that neither of them could really grasp. They were brother and sister; hugging ... sharing warmth and closeness ... the kind of closeness only siblings can share. They were also lovers, though, sharing the kind of closeness that only lovers can share. After their frantic exercise, just lying there in each other's arms was just as delicious. Neither was in a hurry to end that.

Eventually, perhaps fifteen minutes later, Clarissa sat up. As she did so her swollen pussy lips pressed his cock. It was just natural to wiggle. And he'd had time enough to recuperate, so it was just natural, when she wiggled that he started to get hard again. She wiggled some more, and he hardened some more until, once again, she was sliding her pussy lips along the bottom of his erect shaft.

"I could do this all day," she sighed, the urgency gone from her loins.

"Me too," he said softly. "I WANT to do this all day."

As so often happens when emotions are at peak levels, she looked down at the man who was making her feel so complete, and said "I love you Matt."

There was no hesitation. "I love you too, Rissa."

"No," she said, sensing the routineness of his response. She rubbed a little faster. "I mean I REALLY love you!"

"I know," he said, sure in his heart that he really DID know how she felt, because he felt the same way. Their bond had been strengthened beyond imagination, and would remain unbreakable for life. That's what he was feeling, and he was sure that's what she was feeling too. His emotional response hadn't been routine, though his words were.

"I love you so much I want to kiss you," she said.

"You kiss me all the time," he said, smiling.

"Not like this," she said, leaning back down to press her lips against his.

She'd seen open mouthed kisses on TV and in movies. She'd always wondered what those would be like. The actors seemed to like it. Now, as her tongue invaded Matt's mouth she found out why they liked it.

In Matt's mind, he was remembering things HE had seen in movies too. The kiss was electric, but the man was supposed to be on top. That was what made him roll them over. She didn't care, as long as the kiss went on, and she helped him reverse their orientation.

It was just natural for her to settle with her legs spread. It was normal for his knees to fall between those spread legs, where there was room for them. It was understandable that his newly stiffened prick fell quite naturally to lie on pussy lips that were ready to receive what they were intended to receive. And, though neither youth intended for mating to take place ... nature took over.

Matt, while he kissed her, imitated what he'd seen in the movies. That was a thrusting movement of his hips. His cock was in the right place, at the right time. Her pussy was super lubricated. They fit together like a hand in a glove, and there was no pain whatsoever as, with one manic thrust, his prick slid into her pussy until his balls slapped the taut globes of her buttocks. He wasn't even aware that his toes dug into the bedspread, or that his calves corded, helping him get as deep in her as possible.

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