Showing Off Susan - Cover

Showing Off Susan

Copyright© 2008 by Vulgus

Chapter 7

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 7 - A young man, disappointed with his new wife's inability to live up to his immature sexual expectations, gives her a drug that a friend of his recommends, a form of date rape drug he his friend picked up in Mexico. He takes his wife out to a nearby town and once the drug begins to take effect he starts to live out some of his depraved fantasies. He picks the wrong men to help him experiment with and things soon get out of hand.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   NonConsensual   Rape   Drunk/Drugged   Heterosexual   Fiction   Wimp Husband   Wife Watching   BDSM   MaleDom   Rough   Humiliation   Gang Bang   Interracial   Black Male   White Female   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Exhibitionism  

The leering black clerk reached up and took the large rubber cock down from the wall and laid it on the counter in front of Susan. Her eyes darted back and forth from man to man as they made smart ass remarks about the oversized, ugly, black shaft. Joe held it up and asked the clerk if there was an instruction manual so that the little bride could learn how to use it properly.

All the men laughed at his joke and cheered as they heard the clerk offer to show her how to use it since there was no book of instructions. But he assured them that he knew what to do with a big black cock. They all found that amusing.

"Lanny, don't you think it would be a good idea to make sure your wife knows how to use this thing?" Joe laughed as he released his tight grip on her neck and put his arm around Susan's shoulder.

At the urging of the others, the young husband could only agree as he watched his confused wife standing in the porn shop leaning against Joe.

She looked so out of place standing there barefoot, wearing only her thin silk night shirt while the rest of the customers gathered closer to enjoy her obvious humiliation.

The sweating black clerk opened a magazine to the centerfold, showing a model with a large dildo pushed into her shaved snatch. He placed the picture on the counter telling Joe it might help her if she saw a visual aid. Then she might be able to figure out what to do with it.

Joe picked up the book, showed Susan the lewd photo, and asked her if she would like to try getting off with the dildo, just so that they would all know that she knew how to use it.

The frightened young wife looked in disbelief at the terrible picture while Joe told the clerk, in exacting and lurid detail, about how she had just gotten her pussy shaved for the first time.

Susan could sense the sexual tension in the room as she attempted to focus on the leering eyes of the strange men looking at her scantily clad body.

The clerk, half jokingly, said he would be glad to take her into the back office and show her how to use it and make sure it was a perfect fit. "I got two black brothers waiting back in the office for me to get off work and they could help."

Lanny couldn't believe his ears when he heard Joe laugh and agree that it would be only right for black guys to help her with the big black rubber cock. He knew his wife was always uncomfortable around black men. She became nervous when they looked at her. She always felt like they were undressing her with their eyes. She didn't outright hate black people. But she viewed them as lower class than the high society white family she was raised in as a child. The young wife had always felt funny around black men and she had told Lanny that they just gave her the creeps.

Susan's last encounter with a black man had been with the man that repaired the plumbing in their first apartment. He had walked in on her while she was dressing. Instead of apologizing and quickly leaving, he stood there staring at her while he suggestively rubbed the bulge in the front of his jeans.

Susan had been so upset and embarrassed that she had called the company and made an official complaint about his vulgar actions. Later, when she had tearfully told Lanny about the experience, he had actually gotten so turned on that he had to hide his own erection from his crying bride.

Though Lanny was still quite drunk, he saw the terror in his wife's eyes as the big black clerk walked around the counter and reached out for her small white hand.

Susan pulled back against Joe sharply as the grinning clerk asked the frightened young wife if she looked as good under her night shirt as Joe had told him she did. He reached out and stroked her upper arm telling her to be a good little girl and come with him.

Susan slapped his hand away and managed to scream out for him to leave her alone.

Her young husband watched impotently as she struggled to pull away from his grasping hands while Joe pushed her towards the leering clerk.

Joe growled menacingly, "God damn it! If you don't settle down and do what he says I'll have to take my belt off and spank your ass again. Hell, I'll bet all the guys would like to watch me beat your bare ass and maybe take a look at your freshly shaved cunt." Joe winked at the clerk who was still holding onto the struggling young woman.

Lanny finally realized that this little game with Susan had gone way too far. The pain and shame she was suffering were obvious to everyone. But this group of strange men was not interested in his innocent little game of "show off the wife." They had their own agenda now. They were enjoying the hell out of tormenting his helpless young bride. Joe, the greasy mechanic, was openly slapping his wife's tender butt when she wouldn't do exactly what he instructed her to do.

He grabbed the hem of her night shirt in back and gave a quick tug upward, giving several of the cheering men a peek at Susan's bare ass cheeks. His terrified wife stumbled between the two men, helplessly slapping their invading hands away with absolutely no effect. Her futile blows landed harmlessly and they were totally ignored.

Lanny tried to interfere several times. He tried to get Joe and the clerk to let her go. He pleaded with them to stop the attack on his helpless wife. But each time he tried to put an end to this, Joe told him to back off and be quiet, because they were just having some harmless fun.

Lanny could see the cruelty and the lust in Joe's eyes as he helped the dirty porn shop clerk run the head of the big black rubber cock across his wife's sweet innocent face. Susan's heaving breasts were attracting the clerk's attention and he let one of his big hands roughly grasp one of the soft mounds through the thin night shirt and squeeze it.

Lanny called out to Joe to stop letting the black clerk touch Susan. But Chet and Henry made sure he didn't interfere with their humiliation of his young wife.

Lanny finally started to realize just how powerless he was to protect his wife from these large, powerful and cruel men, and how much danger his young wife was in.

The clerk's two black friends came out of the back office to see what all the commotion was about.

When Lanny saw them walk into the room, he saw wide smiles cross their faces as they watched their friend holding his struggling wife. Both were dressed all in black with denim pants and dirty black t-shirts. Their rough faces covered with sparse beards showed the wild and dangerous lives they must lead. All three of them looked like very dangerous men.

Lanny knew it would be foolish to resist them if he cared about his or his wife's well being. He could see that he and Susan were both helpless now. He could see that the only thing that he would accomplish by coming to Susan's assistance would be to get severely beaten, or killed.

"Where the fuck did ya git that little piece?" asked the bigger man as he walked up to his friend. The clerk laughed and told him she needed to be fitted for the black rubber cock she was getting as a wedding present.

Joe pointed over to Lanny and told the big black man that her husband wanted a toy for his new bride to get her all hot for him before he gets home from work.

Joe looked at the three black men and, tossing the rubber cock to the clerk, said, "Why don't you boys take our little sweetheart back to the office and show her how to use her new wedding present?"

"You watch the store for me," the grinning clerk told Joe. Then he and his two companions headed for the office. As he walked off he told his friends to bring her along.

The two black men held Susan by the arms and started her toward the doorway. From somewhere deep inside of her a rush of adrenaline born of sheer terror hit her and she fought and kicked to keep from going with the men. Even though she was much smaller than the black men, she thrashed about violently when she realized the danger of letting them take her away from her husband Lanny and into a private room.

Joe, Willy, Chet and Henry had abused her and humiliated her. But they had not raped her, at least not yet. Susan still preferred to stay with the evil she knew than risk being alone with these large, dangerous looking black men in the back office of the porn shop. At least while she was with her husband the men had been somewhat restrained. And there was always the chance that Lanny would come to his senses and rescue her.

She looked around and focused on her husband. She was dismayed to see him sitting on the floor, helplessly drunk, between Chet and Henry. Why didn't he help her get away from these terrible men that were putting their hands on her and laughing at her? Why was she in this smelly place with dirty pictures of naked women doing disgusting things she had never even heard of plastered all over the walls?

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