Showing Off Susan - Cover

Showing Off Susan

Copyright© 2008 by Vulgus

Chapter 5

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 5 - A young man, disappointed with his new wife's inability to live up to his immature sexual expectations, gives her a drug that a friend of his recommends, a form of date rape drug he his friend picked up in Mexico. He takes his wife out to a nearby town and once the drug begins to take effect he starts to live out some of his depraved fantasies. He picks the wrong men to help him experiment with and things soon get out of hand.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   NonConsensual   Rape   Drunk/Drugged   Heterosexual   Fiction   Wimp Husband   Wife Watching   BDSM   MaleDom   Rough   Humiliation   Gang Bang   Interracial   Black Male   White Female   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Exhibitionism  

Deep down, Lanny knew he should probably put a stop to this idea of shaving Susan before things got out of hand. But his ego and all of the alcohol that he had consumed wouldn't allow it.

Susan slumped to a sitting position on the bed as the five guys talked about who was winning the card game.

Joe made some lame excuse to Lanny that he and Willy would have brought Susan to the motel sooner but they had to stop and talk to another friend he saw on the way out of the club. But Lanny wasn't really listening. He had already forgotten all about the delay, if he had actually cared in the first place.

"Here's to the best sport I've met in a long time," said Joe as he raised his can of beer to Lanny in a salute.

The young husband just loved hearing all four men tell him how cool he was for letting them party with him and his innocent wife.

"Here's to good friends!" added the others.

He was too drunk to notice the knowing looks exchanged between the four older strangers in the small room.

After all, Joe had agreed there wouldn't be any touching or anything that might put Susan at risk of catching a disease. He didn't want anything to hurt his pretty wife. All he knew was that he had dreamed of seeing Susan charms exposed to strange men and seeing her put in a humiliating position many times. It was finally happening and it was just as exciting as he had imagined that it would be. The very idea of this fat barber shaving Susan's sweet pussy was so exciting he couldn't help being caught up in the enthusiasm along with the four big, ugly men. He couldn't help himself, he just had to go through with it.

He still had no idea that he was being played.

She looked so god damned sexy in her little black dress as she propped herself up on one arm, sitting on the double bed in the seedy motel room. He rationalized that he would just have a little more fun at her expense with these blue collar men and then neither of them would ever see them again.

Joe turned on the radio to a country music station as he told his friends they were lucky to be able to help this young couple out with their honeymoon.

Susan had been sitting, listening to the men talking. She was starting to piece together her surroundings. The alcohol she had on the way to the motel seemed to temporarily heighten her senses. But even so she couldn't quite understand what the men were saying. She could see Lanny laughing. But the blur of other bodies in the small room took on a terrifying appearance and she noticed the men's faces for the first time. They were all watching her closely, while glancing only occasionally at her husband.

She had a sudden moment of clarity. She remembered the terrible things Joe had said to her just before they left the bar and how he kept squeezing her breast and pinching her nipple till it hurt.

She remembered Willy pulling on her pubic hair and pushing his finger inside of her as they sat in the booth and it made her tremble with disgust. She felt like a trapped fawn in the forest and hungry wolves were circling her getting ready for the kill. The man she married and trusted to protect her was sitting, stinking drunk, unable, and apparently unwilling to protect her from these vile men.

Joe walked over to Susan and brushed a strand of auburn hair back off of her forehead. He smirked down at her as he asked Lanny politely if he minded if they danced with his wife.

"Dance all you want!" Lanny mumbled as he sat holding his half empty can of beer at the table and concentrating on trying to read the cards he was holding. He was seeing double and triple now and he had a hell of a time figuring out his hand.

Joe reached down and grabbed Susan by the arm and jerked her off of the bed for a slow dance around the motel room. He pulled her close and mashed the front of his dirty jeans into her as they moved slowly in circles.

He could feel her trying lethargically to twist her body from his embrace as his hands roamed down across her ass. He didn't know she had been drugged. He assumed that she was just as drunk as her worthless husband and unable to defend herself.

Chet, Henry and Willy were watching intently as he continued to fondle her bottom while he danced her around in a slow circle.

Joe glanced over to see if her husband noticed what he was doing. He noticed Lanny's eyes were closed and he looked like he wasn't far from passing out. Turning Susan's back towards his three friends, with a crude wink, he reached down and pulled the back of her dress up to her waist.

The three guys grinned back at Joe as he held her dress up, exposing Susan's entire naked ass to his friends in the brightly lit room. She didn't realize her bare ass was exposed until Joe reached down with both hands and squeezed the two soft mounds of warm flesh in his calloused hands.

Susan smelled his stale breath and gave a little scream as she tried to push away his kneading hands from her bottom. Joe quickly let the hem of her dress fall back into place as the scream brought Lanny's head up with a jerk.

Joe shouted, "Hey, Lanny! Your little wife is a good dancer. But I think she needs a few more drinks before she'll let ole Willy here give her a trim. Why don't you and Henry walk over to the club and bring back a bottle while Willy gets everything ready?"

Henry started to object but Joe, who was still dancing with the young woman, gave him a stern look and motioned for him to get Susan's husband on his way across the parking lot to buy the bottle.

Even as drunk as he was, Lanny should have known better than to trust these rough strangers with his drugged bride alone in the motel room. But as Henry put his hand on his shoulder and began to guide him out the door, Lanny again got bolder as he told his dancing wife to be nice to their friends while he was gone.

He should have noticed the frightened look in her eyes when she realized that her husband was leaving her alone in the room with these animals. The young husband should have been alarmed as he watched is wife struggle against Joe as he held her tight against him while supposedly dancing. The situation was beginning to get way out of his control but the insecure and foolish young husband didn't have a clue.

The three remaining men let out an excited yell as they watched Lanny and Henry fade into the darkness of the parking lot. Joe pulled away from Susan, leaving her standing in the middle of the room.

"All right, you sweet little bitch! It's show time now that your worthless little hubby is out of the way!" growled Joe, as he sat down at the table. "It's time to show us those tits you've been shaking in our faces all night. Hell, just go ahead and take your fuckin' dress off and show us all the pretty things you been hiding under it. I want to see that pretty snatch of yours again too."

Susan searched their faces for some sign of compassion. She saw nothing but lust. She began crying and he body shook as her sobs grew stronger. She made no move to comply with Joe's orders. Instead she attempted to reason, to plead with the strange men. She still wasn't sure how this situation had come to pass. Her brain was still under the influence of the drugs and the alcohol that had been forced upon her. She wasn't really starting to come around, but the terror she felt finally enabled her to speak, though she was still slurring her words and she was having trouble focusing her eyes.

"No, no, please, I can't, I couldn't!" She searched the room for her husband. She couldn't understand how he could leave her at the mercy of these awful men.

"Your dumb shit husband ain't here, sweetie," he taunted. "Don't make me come over there and take it off for you," threatened Joe. "Take the God damn thing off!"

Susan's mind was spinning but she instinctively made a run for the door to get away from these awful men. She was no match for them, though. Chet easily pulled her back to the center of the room.

The three men were joined by the returning Henry and they formed a circle around the terrified bride. The four men pushed her back and forth between them as though she were a rag doll.

Four set of hands came from all directions grabbing her heaving tits, pinching her thighs and butt. She did her best to slap away the invading hands. But her ineffective efforts were just laughed off. Just when she would dislodge a hand from her breast, several more would attach themselves to her bare thigh or cause her to cry out from a cruel pinch on her bottom. All four men were laughing at her efforts to fight them off as Joe reached up and untied the strap holding the top of her dress in place.

"God, she is a little wildcat isn't she!" Joe yelled. "This might slow her down a little."

Now Susan had to hold the top of her dress up with one hand so she could only slap and scratch at the men with her one free hand. The invading hands were able to sneak up under her short skirt and pinch her bare butt before she could slap them away. The pain and the frantic struggle she was experiencing began to clear her mind somewhat and triggered her natural survival instinct.

Joe let out a cry as the long fingernails on her free hand scratched across his right cheek leaving faint red trails down the side of his face.

"God damn you, you little bitch! So you want to play rough do you! Okay, let's play Ring around the Rosy with her guys!"

Chet and Henry each grabbed a wrist and pulled Susan's arms straight out on each side and held them. The untied top of her dress sagged but stayed up briefly. It was held in place for a moment by the stiff points of her nipples. However, it only took a one jerk of her outstretched arms between Chet and Henry as they turned her in a circle to make the dress top fall around Susan's waist, baring her beautiful tits to the leering men.

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